disrupted across the country


Monday's weather will be disrupted across the country with temperatures falling, according to Météo-France forecasts.

Between snow and sustained rain. This hectic weather will extend to the Mbadif Central, giving abundant snowfall from the morning to lower and lower altitudes. On the Southeast, the weather will become particularly unstable. On Corsica, and PACA in Rhône-Alpes and the Mbadif Central, often sustained rainfall will occur during a good part of the day. On the island of Beauty, the Alpes-Maritimes and the east of the Var in particular, the rains will have a stormy character, they will be of high intensity, sometimes accompanied by hail and strong gusts of wind of the order of 100 to 120 km / h, with very strong rainfall totals in a short time.

The agitated Mediterranean. In addition to this bad weather, strong waves will impact the Côte d'Azur and the eastern coast of Corsica, with a risk of submersion on the lower or vulnerable parts of the coast. A lull in the rains will appear on the Mediterranean coast in the evening.

This disrupted weather will spread rapidly west and north. From Languedoc-Roussillon to Limousin, to Burgundy-Franche-Comté, then Champagne-Ardenne and Lorraine, rains will arrive in the morning and will sometimes be marked.

Nobody will escape the gloomy weather. On the relief, snow will fall from 600 to 700 m on the Mbadif Central, locally a little lower, 2,000 m on the Alps and the Jura. On the Mbadif Central, the snowfall will sometimes be strong and durable. In the evening and following night, this very disturbed time will extend towards the borders of the North, giving still snowy precipitations to very low altitude, even in plain. Near the Gulf of Lion, the wind will be sometimes strong, the mistral will be able to reach 70 to 80 km / h and the tramontane will blow up to 80 to 100 km / h in gusts. On the rest of the country, the weather will remain gloomy with rain or showers, in the form of snow in the mountains, around 800 to 1,000 m on the Pyrenees. The day will be brighter along the Channel and the Atlantic coast, but the clearings will intersect with showers.

And the temperatures? The minimum will go from 0 to 6 degrees, up to 7 to 15 degrees near the big blue. In the afternoon, it will be 5 to 10 degrees in general, 3 to 6 in the Central East, another 16 to 20 degrees on the coast of PACA and up to 20 to 25 degrees in Corsica.

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