do not miss tonight the longest of the century!


Tonight, the Sun, the Earth, the Moon and Mars will be aligned! A long lunar total eclipse will be visible, along with the opposition of Mars. The event will be observable in metropolitan France from dusk. Where, When to Look at the Eclipse

Two weeks after the partial eclipse of The Sun is the closest star to the Earth, from which it is distant about 150 million kilometers. The Sun is located at 8.5 kparsecs from the center of the Milky Way. In the clbadification of stars, the sun is a star of type G2.
The mbad … "data-image =" /1/d/9/1d9cd1d45f_50034577_eruption.jpg "data-more =" / sciences / definitions / universe-sun-3727 / "data-more =" Read more "> Sun of July 13th – visible Exclusively, alas, off the Geography of Antarctica
Antarctica is a continent which lies at the center of … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5.futura-sciences .com / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 3/2 / e / 32ec793339_50036863_bases-antarctic-ipev.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / antarctic-geography-9777 / "data-more =" Read more "> Antarctic North (these are the penguins that have benefited the most) -, the A moon with a tiny "L" is the satellite of a planet. For example Phobos and Deimos are the two moons of the planet Mars.
The Moon
The Moon with a capital "L" is the only natural satellite of the Earth; it probably results from a collision there is 4.4 … "data-image =" /c785911d64_50034415_lune-05.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / universe-moon-2550 / "data-more =" Read more "> Moon will cross the shadow of his big companion the Structure of the globe … "data-image =" "data-url = "/ planet / definitions / structure-earth-earth-4725 /" data-more = "Read more"> Earth . This 27th of July will therefore be the second total lunar eclipse of the year, which will also be the longest of this XXI e century (the longest in the XX e century lasted 105.7 and 106.4 min, respectively in July 1982 and 2000). Our satellite will this time 1 h 42 min and 57 s, or almost 103 min, to cross the Biology
The cones are the receptive elements of the retina for the color. There are three types to capture the radiation (or stimuli) corresponding to the orange-red, the … "data-image =" /2/3/1/231492cdce_50034630_retine-documentation-flypix-info-02.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / medecine-cone-4127 / "data-more =" Read more "> cone Shadow of our planet It is not far from the maximum possible which is 1 h 47 min In comparison, April 4, 2015, during the shortest totality for a lunar eclipse during this century, here is a list of celestial objects that can be called star (no … "data-image =" /midioriginal/6/c/c/6cc6562b02_127395_astre-c-esa-hubble-nasa.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / etoile-astre-851 / "data-more =" Read more "> star did not stay more than 4 min 48 s hidden in the shadow Sacred difference!

In all and po for all, from the beginning to the end, that is to say from the moment when our natural satellite will enter the penumbra until the moment when it will leave, nearly 6 h 14 min will have elapsed . Naturally, the eclipse will not be visible anywhere in the world. It will be invisible in North and Central America and in much of the Pacific. However, if you are in the other half of the world, the event can be observed either in part or in its entirety. And the best place to enjoy it will be … Reunion Island. So, if you have the chance to live there or go there on this date, you can follow the event from start to finish, all through the night. At the height of the eclipse, in the middle of the night, the Moon will be near the zenith at the highest point in the sky. But no "moonshot" to be feared, the pale star will be more discreet than usual, extinguished by the shadow of the Earth.

Where to observe the eclipse of the Moon in France?

En Metropolitan France, we will have the right to the second part of the eclipse. When the Full Moon comes up, we will find it blushing. The totality begins at 19:30 UT. So of course, depending on where you are, our satellite will not come out at the same time from the east, southeast. For example, in the offices of Futura, in Saint-Raphael in the Var, the sun will sink under the horizon at 9 pm, Paris time. Almost at the same time, on the opposite side, the Moon will rise above the horizon. But of course, depending on whether the horizon around you is flat or planted with hills, mountains, rows of trees, lignified vegetation
A tree is an upper terrestrial plant, be it gymnosperm or angiosperm, which is stiffened by secondary growth (the one that produces wood) …. "data-image =" /8/1/881dff8587_48849_def-tree-stevegrosbois-flickr.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / clbadification-living-tree-14137 / "data-more =" Read more "> trees or buildings, the Moon will emerge a little later … (note in pbading that there are apps for smartphone with Principle and operation of augmented reality
The technology works by intermediary of a terminal that films the real world and there … "data-image =" fdab5e9e2f_101718_realit e-augmented.jpg "data-url =" / tech / definitions / reality-increased-reality-increased-3963 / "data-more =" Read more "> Augmented Reality that help you choose the best place to observe and / or photograph the sunrises, sunsets, etc. : Sun Seeker, Photographer's Ephemeris, Photopills …)

If you live in the Montpellier region or in the Cévennes park for example, the Sun will bow a little later and the Moon will not leave the end of his nose and the respiratory system
In humans, the nose is the only part of the respiratory system … "data-image =" buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / a / e / 7 / ae7b9928e8_71945_nose.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / human-body-nose-14731 / "data-more =" Read more "> nose (red) before 9:15 pm. In Bordeaux, the Moon will only show itself at 9:30 pm In Brittany, it will be necessary to wait 9:45 pm. For the observers located in the west of France, the Normandy and also the Hauts-de-France, the totality has already begun at the rising of the Moon, but the show will continue until 23:28 UTC, when the Moon will leave the darkness of the Earth.

Find the hours of screw ibility for your city here . Several events will take place in the whole of France on the occasion of this celestial event. The AFA proposes a map to find a site near you where to share this moment with amateur astronomers: to see here .

When the Moon crosses the penumbra then the shadow of the Earth. What you will see during the total lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018. ©

A very dark lunar eclipse

Although our satellite sinks into the shadow of the Earth, It will not become invisible but darker. The palette of Sometimes, the color … "data-image =" "data- url = "/ sciences / definitions / physics-color-4126 /" data-more = "Read more"> colors projected on the star, usually pale, will vary according to the layers of the atmosphere traversed by the sun's rays White light
The wavelengths of visible light range from about 380 nm (violet) to 780 nm (red). visible is … "data-image =" "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-lumiere-326 / "data-more =" Read more "> light which will pierce the lower layers will be more refracted. And according to the population of The formation of the clouds
The quantity … "data-image =" /b7e2382b95_59611_mer-nuages-seblino-camptocamporg-cc-30.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / climatology-cloud-14525 / "data-more =" Read more "> clouds on The plants or trees, like the acacia, can orient their … "data-image =" 2 / bb2b61e143_50037946_div-limbe-afl-ldorg.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / botanical-limb-11349 / "data-more =" Read more "> limbe at this time there and also the abundance of dust, etc., the colors will be varied. For this eclipse of July 27, 2018, the Moon will be singularly darker because it will be located almost at the point of its orbit in astronomy
In astronomy, the orbit designates the closed trajectory followed by a celestial body around a another celestial body periodically, under the influence of … "data-image =" 92eefd02ac_49145_iss-sun-land-nasa-marshall-space-flight-center-flickr-cc-nc-20.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / universe-orbit-873 / "data-more =" Read more "> orbit (19459008) farthest from Earth, the climax (in this case more than 404,300 km) and will pbad very close to the center of the shadow. The apparent size of the Full Moon will be almost at its lowest (0.49 °).

In metropolitan France, therefore no dazzling Full Moon during this first half of the night, conditions will be favorable for look away from the Blood Moon from time to time to observe the silvery ark of light from the Earth, we can only observe a cross section … "data-image =" https: // en / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 7/7/7 / 777b761907_120668_voie-lactee-galaxie.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / universe-way-laced-3729 / " data-more = "Read more"> Milky Way (it crosses the sky from north to south), and try to surprise shooting stars . Because yes, at this date, we can already see several. The rain of Perseids will have started since 10 days. The strongest activity of the meteoritic swarm will be, meanwhile, the night of August 12 to 13.

Finally, remember that several planets are visible to the naked eye in July and even a few years ago scientists … "data-image =" 8 / f48d440cc0_50020798_apophis-asteroide-vueartiste-esa.jpg "data-more =" / sciences / definitions / universe-asteroid-870 / "data-more =" Read more "> asteroid (as well as a nova and soon, perhaps, a comet ) Among them, Mars, red dot become in recent days more brilliant than Jupiter . On the day of its opposition, the Moon will pbad only 6 ° next, which promises a beautiful spectacle, and no, contrary to what a recurring rumor claims, Mars will not be as big as the moon. The Martians will not come to attack us.

At the same time, remember that a lunar eclipse demonstrates that the Earth is round. The shadow of our planet projected on our satellite is well and truly round. That proves easily that the Earth is not flat as the "platists" are convinced of it.

What to remember

  • The 27th of July will be the longest total eclipse of the Moon of XXI e century.
  • The totality will last almost 103 minutes.
  • The eclipse will be visible in metropolitan France but the best place to see it in its totality is Reunion.

The total eclipse of the Moon the night of March 3 to 4, 2007

Article Jean Etienne published on March 2, 2007

If the clouds do not play intruders, we will live during the night of 3 to March 4, an astronomical event popular with fans: a total eclipse Moon. The first visible in France since October 28, 2004. Feel free to send us your photos to [email protected] we will publish!

Discover our photos of the last eclipses of the Moon

The show will begin at 20h 16mn 29sec TU, as the Moon enters the darkness. But at this moment the darkening of our satellite will still be very timid, and it is from 21h 30mn 04sec TU that the Moon will plunge into the cone of shadow that the Earth carries with it, to the opposite of the Sun

note: every hour of this article is expressed in UT (Universal Time), add one hour to get the French time.

At this precise moment, the shadow of the Earth will begin to nibble the edge of the Full Moon. Quickly, you will see it gain ground by gradually revealing its roundness that of your own planet which is emerging in Chinese shadow more than 400,000 kilometers away. It is during similar moments that one understands how much Astronomy could impress the Ancients …

From 22h 43mn 49sec the shadow will completely swallow the lunar disk. But the show will only be reinforced, because the moon will then be painted an orange-red dress that intrigued many astronomers of past times. This hue is simply caused by the Earth's atmosphere, which plays the role of a Season of the lens
The lens is harvested in August, but keeps dry throughout the year . It can be consumed in any season.
Nutritional qualities … "data-image =" /3493e5d719_50035863_lentille-dr-02.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / botany-lens-7665 / "data-more =" Read more "> lens through which the rays of the Sun make their way, refracting and bouncing before ending up on the lunar ground, which seems to ignite like the horizon during a sunset on a clear day.

http: // .fr / viladric / indexf.html
January 21, 2000 – 05:05 min UT
8 "Celestron Schmidt-Cbadegrain – Focus F / 6.3
Composite of 3 10 s poses
Kodak Hyper Royal negative film Gold 100

Unfortunately, the representation is no longer worn The quark charmed is one of six quarks, among:
the top quark, the top quark, the beautiful quark, the strange quark, the … image = "https: // en / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / d / dde4209df4_50037096_quarks-wikipedia-missmj-03.jpg "data-url =" / science / definitions / physics-quark-charm-10317 / "data-more =" Read more "> charms of yesteryear, because its intensity depends mostly on the Indeed, when the frequency of a wave that …" data-image = " "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-transparent-1646 / "data -more = "Read More"> transparency of our atmosphere. Astronomers have understood this for some decades now, to the extent that the weakening of luminosity during a lunar eclipse is now considered an index of atmospheric pollution and it is some of them hardly reveal this conflagration, the older ones remember with nostalgia …

The middle of the totality will be reached at 23h 20mn 56sec then our satellite s will move slowly to the opposite edge of the shadow cone it will touch 23h 58mn 01sec . A small When static electricity accumulated in the sky is suddenly discharged, the gases of the atmosphere are heated and ionized. There is formation of a plasma and emission … "data-image =" -orage.jpg "data-url =" / planet / definitions / meteorology-eclair-15208 / "data-more =" Read more "> flash first, probably appearing on the crest of a lunar hill, then an increasingly large sunny area will regain possession of the lunar disk, with this rounded shape always revealing the rotundity, so once disputed, of our planet.

Finally, the Moon will appear to be alive again 01h 11mn 46sec while the last patch of shadow will leave it as if with regret, then will regain its usual brightness leaving entirely the penumbra at 02h 25mn 27sec Then, well … go for the next eclipse of Moon, August 28, 2007. But this one will be invisible in Europe.

Eclipse of Moon

The eclipse of Moon occurs obliga at the precise moment of the Full Moon, since the three stars (Sun-Earth-Moon) are aligned. Note, however, that each Full Moon is not accompanied by an eclipse, because the orbits are not exactly in the same plane. In practice, these conditions are met in March and November, when the Moon pbades through what is called the "node" of the orbit.

There are three types of eclipses of the Moon:

  • Eclipses by the penumbra, when the Moon pbades only in the penumbra cone of the Earth. These eclipses are not very spectacular and are barely visible.
  • Partial eclipses, when the Moon pbades partially in the earth's cone of the earth.
  • The total eclipses, when the Moon pbades entirely in the Shadow cone of the Earth

On March 3, 2007, we will experience an eclipse of the third category cited, the most spectacular. However, the off-center position within the earth's cone of shadow will likely cause a fairly large difference in brightness from the north to the south of the lunar screen, the progression of which will be interesting to observe.

observe the phenomenon, a good pair of eyes are enough … and any shield is useless, the Sun being by definition lying for the terrestrial hemisphere corresponding to the area of ​​visibility. Fans will bring a pair of binoculars or a low magnification telescope (30 or 40 x), and prefer to observe from a clear place, far from any pollution, both atmospheric and luminous.

More informations in our astronomical ephemerides

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