Drownings: more than three deaths a day since June 1st


VIGILANCE – More than 120 deaths were reported between June 1 and July 5 in France. The health agency France Public health recalls the safety device.

– Writing

France has three drowning deaths daily. The health agency Santé publique France recorded 121 deaths by drowning between June 1st and July 5th. According to the provisional results of the Noyades 2018 survey published Thursday, 552 bathing-related accidents were recorded during this 35-day period: 257 cases are of accidental origin including 50 deaths, 34 cases are intentional (suicide, attempted suicide , aggression) of which 16 deaths, and 251 of indeterminate origin, under investigation, including 55 deaths.

At all ages, bathing involves risks. Most accidents involving children are due to lack of supervision, a lack of safety equipment or a fall, notes the health agency. "A child can drown noiselessly, in less than three minutes, in twenty centimeters of water". Children who bathe should not be overlooked and a specific adult should take responsibility for the supervision. Other tips, equip the child with armbands and teach him how to swim as soon as possible: from 4-5 years, according to the abilities of the child, for all from 6 years. For adults, accidents occur mainly due to discomfort, imprudence or simply not knowing how to swim. Among other recommendations, choose the supervised bathing, respecting the safety instructions, do not overestimate its level of swimming.

According to the Health Barometer 2016 of Public Health France, nearly one French in six declares not to know swim: 5% among young people aged 15-24 but over 35% among 65-75 year olds. But it is especially the older age groups who are affected by drowning, says the health agency adding that you can learn to swim at any age. The 2018 Noyades survey lasts until September 30th. It records all drownings or near-drownings followed by hospital care (pbadage to emergency services or hospitalization) or death.

The proportion of incidental bathing incidents that is followed by 'one death increases with age: it is 9% for children under 6 years of age and 37% for those aged 65 and over. Of the 257 cases of accidental origin recorded between June 1 and July 5, 103 (40%) occurred at sea, 70 (27%) in all types of pool (family, private, public …), 36 (14%) in streams, 23 (9%) in water and 12 (5%) in other places (baths, ponds …). For 13 cases, the place was not reported.



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