E-Health. Lagardère will sell Doctissimo to TF1 and MonDocteur to Doctolib


The Lagardère group announced Thursday the sale of its "e-health" division. This includes the well-known Doctissimo health information website and the online medical booking platform MonDocteur, whose total value is estimated at 60 million euros.

After several disposals the sale of which of Elle has a Czech group in April, the group Lagardère announced this Thursday to separate from its pole "e-health" which includes the health information site Doctissimo and the platform of making medical appointments online MyDoctor . Their total value is estimated at 60 million euros

Doctissimo "is the subject of exclusive negotiations with the TF1 Group with a view to finalizing an agreement before 30 September 2018" the group said in a statement. The platform MonDocteur will be bought by its main competitor, Doctolib. The precise amount of the transactions has not been indicated.

"With 55 000 practitioner users and 20 million patient visits each month", the group formed by Doctolib and MonDocteur "now provides the service of making appointments the world's most widely used medical online " reported Doctolib. The new entity will employ 600 employees after the merger, 450 from Doctolib and 150 from MonDocteur. It plans to employ 1,000 employees within two years.

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The Lagardère group is in the midst of redeployment to focus on publishing and distribution in transport venues, progressively disengaging from the media and sports marketing sectors.

Doctolib to make online appointments

Doctolib, for its part, does not run out of cash, having raised 35 million euros in November 2017, after 26 million in January of the same year. With MonDocteur, they sell to health professionals, independent or in hospitals, a calendar management software, which allows patients to make an appointment online. The service works by subscription, for a price of 109 euros TTC monthly for Doctolib. And stands out as the champion of the online medical appointment.

The company promises to practitioners who use its service a reduction of 30% of their secretarial time, and 75% of the rate of no -presentation of patients, thanks to SMS reminder appointments sent automatically.

Doctolib is largely controlled by its founders, including President Stanislas Niox-Chateau, and his management team. Eurazeo and Bpifrance in particular also appear in the capital, as well as the international venture capital fund Accel, or entrepreneurs such as Pierre Kosciusko-Morizet, co-founder of the online trading site PriceMinister, and Nicolas Brusson, co-founder of the start-up up French carpool BlaBlaCar.

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