E. Leclerc electricity supplier: "energy is not a commodity"


Paris, July 25, 2018 – The CGT Energie, the first trade union force in the sector, rose on Wednesday against electricity supply projects launched by supermarket chains, stressing that energy "is not not a commodity "but" a common good ".

" The weeks go by and the flow of new suppliers of electricity and gas does not dry up .. To believe that this market must be juicy as the competition is raging ", observes the FNME-CGT in a statement, after the announcement by E. Leclerc that he was going to launch the supply of electricity to individuals.

The distribution giant, which will detail its offer in September, promises that this offer " green " will be " the cheapest market ". It aims " three million customers by 2025, 10% of the market ," announced Monday the CEO of the brand, Michel-Edouard Leclerc, in a forum on its website.

According to Europe 1, the savings made on the electricity bill, " about 200 euros in savings per year ", will be donated in the form of vouchers in the stores of the teaches.

Another distributor, Casino, via its online trading platform Cdiscount, has already positioned itself on the electricity market, by launching in 2017 an offer in partnership with GreenYellow.

With this offer " so-called + tantalizing + allowing substantial savings in cash back, generating vouchers ", E. Leclerc sets up " a real circular economy (.. .) which forces the user to consume at home! ", is indignant the CGT.

" To make consumers believe that they will save on their bill while maintaining a quality of supply of energy and a quality of public service is illusory ", underlines the trade union federation. " A low price for all is obtained only when the sector is organized and structured outside a commercial logic ", insists the CGT.

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