Edouard Philippe's new plan against the terrorist threat


The Prime Minister spoke Friday morning at the headquarters of the Directorate General of Homeland Security (DGSI) in Levallois-Perret to present the new plan of action of the government against terrorism.

In total , this device contains no less than 32 measures that complete the component on the prevention of radicalization presented at the end of February. BFMTV revealed in preview this Friday morning the creation of a staff comprising all heads of services fighting the threat of terrorism – 14 in all – dedicated to meeting every day and whose organization belongs to the DGSI. This concretizes the task force promised by the candidate Emmanuel Macron. Eight other measures have been taken but will not be made public, noted Edouard Philippe.

The latter firstly stated that "the threat of Islamist inspiration (remained) particularly high" and recalled that 25 attacks had been foiled since January 2017.

Noting the evolution of modes of action, the Prime Minister noted that "terrorism was no longer necessarily remote controlled by cells abroad but (that it took) the face of people sometimes from petty crime, sometimes psychologically fragile, indoctrinated or self-radicalized, equipped with a summary armament (who) decide very quickly to act ".

One of the new challenges facing the state is the treatment of terrorist detainees and radicalization in prisons. Edouard Philippe recalled that on 1 June 2018, 506 individuals were detained for acts of terrorism and 1109 common law prisoners "identified as radicalized". By the end of next year, more than 400 of them should be released.

"Some still pose a threat and therefore need to be further monitored," noted the Prime Minister. Minister.

  • A profiling unit of terrorist attackers

The plan presented by the tenant of Matignon is divided into five axes of priority, the first being the "knowledge". In particular, mention was made of the "need for feedback on proven acts or actions that have been foiled or failed". For example, a "profiling cell" of perpetrators of terrorist attacks and identification of acting out factors will be created to identify "fixed points" between criminal profiles and itineraries.

  • A cell monitoring terrorized or radicalized detainees

"We must not neglect any means of preventing acts of violence in the territories," stressed the Prime Minister, who spoke of a strengthening of monitoring and follow-up on "particularly sensitive" situations, such as radicalized terrorist or common law detainees.

A specific unit, located within the Counter-Terrorism Coordination Unit (UCLAT) to which prison intelligence will be badociated, will make it possible to better monitor prisoners convicted of acts of terrorism or identified as being radicalized at the end of the war. sentence. The aim is "to strengthen judicial oversight" and to facilitate mobile electronic surveillance.

"Failure to comply with the judicial review by persons indicted for acts of terrorism will result in a systematic judicial response", also noted Edouard Philippe.

  • "Increasing the level of vigilance"

The Prime Minister wants "to increase the level of vigilance of the actors of society, public or private". He underlined the "rapid" development of administrative security investigations or the screening of sensitive functions and places: recruitment in the professions of national sovereignty, clearance of the national defense secret, organization of major events and certain jobs in transport.

Moreover, the prefect Renaud Vedel was charged to make by the end of the year proposals to the government in terms of technological opportunities on security and artificial intelligence.

  • Confirmation of the creation of a national antiterrorist prosecutor's office

The new date of last December but was confirmed this Friday by the Prime Minister: a national antiterrorist prosecution will be created, with "teams of magistrates and officials strengthened ".

The Prime Minister first confirmed "the creation of a national antiterrorist prosecution that will further strengthen the fight against terrorism". Edouard Philippe paid tribute to the prosecutor of the Republic of Paris François Molins, become the face of French anti-terrorism.

In addition to the reinforced teams of prosecutors, prosecutors delegated to counter terrorism will be appointed in the most exposed regional prosecutors. The government intends to create a "pool of magistrates immediately and effectively mobilized in case of terrorist attack", a "real anti-terrorist mesh at the judicial level".

In his last line, the Prime Minister referred to Europe and stressed "the resolute action of France to strengthen the effectiveness of the rapid withdrawal of illegal content on the Internet.

  • A judge of the compensation of Victims of Terrorism

In addition, the Prime Minister announced the creation of a compensation judge dedicated to the victims of terrorism and wished to "improve the protection" of the latter.

Exchanges with mayors will also be strengthened, as some "confidential information may be exchanged". "This is not to say that they will become agents of the DGSI because they do not wish it, and it would not be desirable," insisted Edouard Philippe, focusing instead on "increased intensity in the circulation of information. " They will not have "free access" to the FSPRT, the file of reports for prevention and radicalization.


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