Electricity consumption drops during World Cup games


During the broadcast of the semifinal between France and Belgium, RTE, the Electricity Transmission Network, recorded a significant drop in electricity consumption.

If the blue games stimulate consumption beers or pizzas, however, they lead to a decrease in electricity consumption. This was noted by a spokesman for RTE, the operator of the electricity network: "Tuesday we noted a drop in electricity consumption of 1,200 megawatts between 20h and 21h45 compared to the day before" , he says amused at Figaro .

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Already noticed in 1998 or in 2016 during Football Euro, this drop in consumption in the evening is explained by a change in consumption habits on the night of games. "Usually people stay in front of their television. They do not light the light in other rooms and do not use other electrical appliances. " Except at the half-time when we observe a sharp increase of 500 megawatts. At this point the viewers take advantage of it to heat the pizzas or go to other rooms where they turn on the lights. There are also people who will see the game in a bar or a fanzone, and who do not use their television for the occasion.

A record that dates from the world 2016

The record for the biggest drop in electricity consumption dates from the final of Euro 2016, it had reached 2600 megawatts. This is explained by the fact that the games were broadcast in the evening (at 9 pm for most), where we usually meet the highest consumption. The presence of many fanzones due to the unfolding of the competition in France also explains this record. In the end there were a lot less TVs on.

For Sunday's match, RTE does not expect such a significant drop in electricity demand. The main reason is that the meeting will take place between 17h and 18h45 to a niche where the demand is relatively low.

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Abroad Such strong variations have already been recorded, as in 2011 in England. At the time of the arrival of the coach carrying the new husbands to Buckingham, the national consumption experienced a surge of 2400 megawatts.

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