Elon Musk goes too far?


Elon Musk, Tesla boss and genius innovator, added a new controversy to the long list of his escapades by violently insulting a speleologist involved in saving children in Thailand. The American went so far as to treat him pedophile. Attack too much?

Tesla's media boss Elon Musk is familiar with controversy. But his violent attack on a speleologist who helped save children trapped in a Thai cave seems to be too much fun, some beginning to question his leadership abilities.

The diver will file a complaint

Journalists, badysts employees, many have paid the price of anger of the whimsical billionaire of South African origin, also at the head of the space company SpaceX.

But it seems he crossed a yellow line this weekend by treating, on Twitter, pedophile a Briton who helped the rescue mission of 12 young footballers trapped in a Thai cave and evacuated last week.

His accusing tweets – erased since – were following this speleologist, Vernon Unsworth, who called "a publicity stunt" Mr Musk's failed offer to send a miniature submarine to help rescue. Mr. Unsworth announced his intention to make a complaint.

Musk as Trump?

Comments that have earned him an avalanche of virulent criticism on social networks, triggering even questions about his mental stability and his abilities of corporate executive. "This is the most damaging thing, in terms of branding, that Elon Musk ever made" estimates Roger Kay, an badyst at Endpoint Technologies Associates.

For Mr. Kay, the attitude of Elon Musk is similar to that of US President Donald Trump, also accustomed to violent controversy on Twitter, even to insult anyone who does not agree with him.

The sanction markets are not is not long in waiting: Tesla lost 2.75% on Wall Street on Monday, even as the maker of electric cars is already under pressure after delays in production of its Model 3, considered vital for its future.

"Points of rupture"

Elon Musk "is strongly under pressure and we are witnessing break points" continues Kay. "He spends the night in his factories to increase the pace and it is painful. But when he talks to investors, he has to rebadure them that all this money does not go through the windows. " says the badyst.

Elon Musk has always maintained his image as a creative genius, somewhat similar to that of the late Apple founder Steve Jobs, also known for his very difficult character. But for Patrick Moorhead (Moor Insights & Strategy), the comparison stops there: "Steve Jobs has never gone so far" .

To limit the damage, "the first thing that (Elon) Musk has to do is flatly apologize" continues Mr. Moorhead, adding that "if do it right, he can recover from it ".

Especially since this brilliance is far from being the first for Elon Musk, who reproached journalists for talking too much about accidents involving Tesla cars and its Autopilot driver badistance system or being "systematically negative" on the company.

Cult of the personality

In June, he accused an employee for stealing confidential data and for having "sabotaged" the activities of his battery factory, the said employee claiming to be a whistleblower having warned of security problems.

At the beginning of May, during a conference call with badysts, Elon Musk was also noted in ifiant "boring" their questions and refusing to answer about Tesla's financial problems. The episode had also lowered the action.

The behavior of Elon Musk is "obviously moved for a CEO" slice Bob O'Donnell, an badyst at Technalysis Research, which evokes a "Cult of the personality" . "He likes everything he says is reported in the media, but when you're in this situation, you have to behave as an adult." O'Donnell continues.

Analyst Trip Chowdhry (Global Equities Research) – a strong supporter of Tesla – wants to be more understanding. This behavior shows that he is "human" and does not undermine his qualities as an outstanding innovator, he thinks. "Tesla has several generations in advance" says Chowdhry, believing that even if Elon Musk is devoid of the interpersonal skills that most bosses possess, Tesla's innovations will be better understood in the five to ten years to come.

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