Embrassades, dab, speeches … Emmanuel Macron does it too much to celebrate the victory?


Emmanuel Macron congratulates Kylian M'Bappe July 15, 2018. / AFP PHOTO / FRANCK FIFE / – AFP
  • Emmanuel Macron has not been stingy reactions since the victory of France this Sunday. Left to be accused of overplaying happiness, or even trying to recover some of the popularity of players.
  • One thing is certain: Emmanuel Macron has always been a fan of football. But he is also a man of images, who knows how to play symbols.
  • Be that as it may, the benefit of the victory of the Blues should be short-lived for the President.

Photos of the President where he exults standing during the match, videos where he embraces the players, a sequence where he harangues them in the locker room, a dab with Benjamin Mendy and Paul Pogba, a kiss on the forehead of the players during the presentation of the world … The least that can be said is that Emmanuel Macron has not been stingy reactions since the victory of France this Sunday. Left to be accused of doing too much, as Arnaud Mercier, professor of political communication at the French Press Institute in Paris II, predicts: "Inevitably, we will blame him for trying to recover some of the popularity of the players by capillarity. Some also believe that a president should not be so tactile and demonstrative with the players. "

 Emmanuel Macron was on fire on 15/07/18 in the World Cup final.
Emmanuel Macron was on fire on 15/07/18 in the World Cup final. – Alexei Nikolsky / AP / SIPA

The detractors of the president also accuse him of having a little overplayed happiness. There, the opinions diverge. One thing is certain: Emmanuel Macron has always been a football fan, as Arnaud Mercier points out. "In a documentary on the election campaign, we even saw him leave a meeting asking if OM had won a match," he recalls. Other evidence of his interest in football: the president went to visit the players in Clairefontaine before their departure in Russia and attended the semifinal against Belgium early last week. "One can imagine that he takes advantage of his function to live his pbadion in a privileged way, by easily accessing the players. His interest in them is sincere, as are his reactions to them on the night of the final. Because when he dabe with players for example, Macron is not under control. Moreover, this type of image does not grow, "says Arnaud Mercier.

" Everything was prepared upstream "

On the contrary, Christian Delporte, specialist in political history at the University of Versailles, think that all the communication of the president during victory sequence was largely calculated: "Everything was prepared upstream. Because Macron is a man of images who knows he is filmed. And who can feign spontaneity when everything has been thought upstream, "he says. Even winks at the history of French political communication, according to the teacher: "When Macron embraces the front of the players, we immediately think of Jacques Chirac kissing Bartez on the skull in 1998. He shows that he takes over, "he explains.

On several occasions during the evening, Emmanuel Macron also adopted a paternalistic position towards the players, calling them" the children "in the locker room, the hugging … "These gestures towards them are indeed very paternal, which can appear astonishing because it is only 40 years old", underlines Arnaud Mercier. "It's a way of always putting back his father's costume of the Nation. It also often appears high up against the players in the photos, which is highly symbolic, "observes Christian Delporte.

An opportunity to change the image

And if the president did not do in the half -measure during the victory, it's good because he thought to gain something, says Christian Delporte: "This avalanche of joyous demonstrations shows that Emmanuel Macron wants to fully exploit the slogan of France who wins. He wants to make this victory a symbol for France, the incarnation of the new world he claims. " Especially since the opportunity is too good for the president to improve his coat of arms, according to the teacher: "This victory allows Emmanuel Macron to reach all the fringes of the population. He will never have so much audience. So he wants to take the opportunity to mark the spirits and move away from the image of a distant and arrogant president that some French have him. By showing himself close to the players, he wants to be close to people ", summarizes Christian Delporte.

 Emmanuel Macron kisses Antoine Griezmann's forehead on July 15, 2018. AFP PHOTO / FRANCK FIFE
Emmanuel Macron kisses the front by Antoine Griezmann on July 15, 2018. AFP PHOTO / FRANCK FIFE – AFP

But for Arnaud Mercier, it is especially during the reception of the players at the Elysee Palace on Monday evening, that the political messages will be the strongest : "Emmanuel Macron invited a thousand young people from football training centers. He wants to play the map of the Sports Nation to strengthen its image for the organization of the Olympic Games in 2024 in Paris, "he said. And the speech of the president who will be scrutinized, is besides a delicate exercise for him: "It must avoid making too explicit parallels between the victory of the Blues and its political successes to come", underlines Arnaud Mercier. 19659009] No lasting benefit on its popularity

Be that as it may, this episode of national euphoria should not sustainably benefit Emmanuel Macron, according to Christian Delporte: "The sporting performance has the effect that 'a moment. In the fall, people will find their problems and will not be tender with him. By the way, in 1998, the eulogy of France blacks, whites, beurs, did not last three weeks, "he recalls. Same story with Arnaud Mercier: "The victory of France can win a few points of popularity to Emmanuel Macron, but it will be a fire of straw. Because the fundamental criticism that the tax of making a right-wing policy is likely to continue, "he predicts.

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