Emmanuel Macron in Honfleur wants to reassure the French: "I do not loose anything"


The head of state "does not loose anything". Emmanuel Macron
took advantage of a crowd bath this Thursday, November 1 in Honfleur, for
silenced rumors about a possible blow of fatigue. The three-day break in Normandy
of the President of the Republic, was indeed strongly commented by the clbad
politics in recent days.

Accompanied by his wife Brigitte Macron, he went to
a downtown bistro for lunch, before enjoying a quick swim
crowd and badure everyone that he was not tired. "I'm not giving up anything and I'm just like any citizen, attached to the balance of my
family and habits we have
. And it's been more than 20 years that I come
in this same cafe and in Honfleur on November 1st, and I will continue to
do it, "Emmanuel Macron told RTL's microphone.

"As the general said (De Gaulle, Editor's Note), I am
glad to know what I think and how I go when I read the press. I
I am faithful to Honfleur every November 1st, and I will continue to be,
as long as I can come here, "continued the President of the Republic.

For its part, the Elysee said that the head of state
lived in Honfleur privately and at his expense, and that he would not change
his habits. "I've never lost one (of strength, Ed.). I am always at the same pace. I have my habits
with the family and I want it. Every November 1st I'm here and I
will continue, "concluded Emmanuel Macron.

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