Emmanuel Macron warns against a return to Europe in the 1930s


In an interview with "Ouest France", the Head of State calls to understand the lessons of this History and pleads for a "more sovereign and more multilateral" Europe.

The Monde.fr with AFP
• Updated

Caller to "Resist" Emmanuel Macron says to himself " hit " resemblance between the current situation in Europe and the inter-war period, in an interview West France published Wednesday, October 31 at night.

"In a Europe that is divided by fears, the nationalist withdrawal, the consequences of the economic crisis, we see almost systematically re-articulate all that has punctuated the life of Europe after the First World War to the crisis of 1929 'adds the President of the Republic. "You must have it in mind, be lucid, know how to resist it", in "Bringing democratic and republican vigor. "

The head of state is preparing to celebrate the centenary of the end of the first world war, visiting the battlegrounds in the East and the Hauts-de-France for a week from Sunday. Following the ceremony of 11-November at the Arc de Triomphe in the presence of a hundred leaders from around the world, then the first Forum of Peace in La Villette.

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Understand the lessons of History

During these meetings, Emmanuel Macron badures that he "Does not just want to look at history". "I want to pay homage and try to understand the lessons of this History. It is a message of celebration, memory and future ". By promoting, on this occasion, a Europe "More sovereign and more multilateral".

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"Europe faces a risk: to be dismembered by nationalist leprosy and to be jostled by outside powers. And therefore to lose his sovereignty. That is to say, to have its security, which depends on the American choices and its changes, to have a China increasingly present on essential infrastructures, a Russia that is sometimes tempted by manipulation, great interests financial markets and markets that sometimes go beyond what States can dowarns Mr. Macron.

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