End of Autolib ': a collective of municipalities will form recourse


Paris – Some twenty municipalities of Ile-de-France, dissatisfied with having been kept apart, according to them, from the decision to finish with Autolib ', have formed in collective and will deposit lawsuits, announced Monday the mayor LR of Chesnay (Yvelines), Philippe Brillault.

" We formed a collective of communes of the small and big crown, unanimous to say that we do not want to let us do ", said the elected to AFP, after the release of a press release announcing a press conference on Wednesday.

The collective, which includes cities like Versailles (Yvelines), Yerres (Essonne) or Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine), thus envisages a recourse for " excess of power " before the administrative tribunal .

He will also file " probably " an interim-suspension concerning the deliberation ending the car-sharing service, " even a criminal challenge " of the Mayor PS of Paris Anne Hidalgo and the President of the Joint Union of elected officials and mayor PS of the 12th district of Paris Catherine Baratti-Elbaz.

The Syndicat d'élus, which brings together some 100 municipalities including Paris using the service, on June 21, ratified the cancellation of the public service delegation of the car-sharing service for electric cars concluded with the Bolloré group in 2011, on the background of financial disagreements.

Twenty communes, labels right, voted against, believing they had not been informed nor could have heard the group Bolloré.

" Who made the decision to put an end to the delegation? It is the City of Paris ," said Mr. Brillault, baduring that these municipalities " contest the principle of receive an invoice in advance We have no idea of ​​the sums claimed, conditions Why rush? We could have waited September "he said.

The union, which meets on Wednesday, " tells us about a transactional protocol whose terms we do not know, that means that the union president negotiated a memorandum of understanding without know a word "he insisted.

" There is no question that our citizens are deprived of a service that worked well despite everything ", according to the elected.

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