end of contributions raises wages


This is good news for the employees of this company. This month, a line disappears on their pay slip: the contributions for unemployment insurance, which represented a drain of 0.95% on the gross salary. A gain in purchasing power. The hundred employees discover the novelty, accompanied by an explanatory note from their employer, to enable them to better decipher their payslips. " I have a difference of 40 euros, I'm glad to see that I have a little more money on my payslip at the end of the month"Says Hugo Benoit, one of the company's employees. A salary increase that can vary from ten to a hundred euros depending on the position.

Promise campaign Emmanuel Macron to boost the purchasing power of the French, the end of employee contributions was made in two stages. Contributions for health insurance had disappeared in January, those for unemployment insurance are removed in October. In France, the net income of all employees will increase, before a next upheaval on the payroll, with the introduction of the withholding tax, as of January 1, 2019.


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