Escape from Faido Faid: The incredible story of the pilot of the helicopter


After daze, place to "stress". Three days after the spectacular escape of Redoine Faïd, the helicopter pilot taken hostage by the accomplices of the robber has confided to our colleagues RTL the state of extreme fragility in which he is since the facts. "I was fine until last night [lundi soir] but I have the impression that this [mercredi] morning, the stress is much stronger," says Stéphane Buis with emotion.

Sunday, July 1 calm and sunny, had started well. Accustomed to receiving onlookers eager to do their first flight, the experienced instructor is not wary when two men accost him. Especially since "it was the second or third time [qu’il les] saw". Stéphane Buis is sure of it: he is a man in his fifties who wants to "give pleasure to his son" by giving him a Sunday a few hundred meters from the ground.

Read also. EXCLUSIVE. Escape from Redoine Faid: "Do not be foolish, we know your family! "

"They forced me and warned that my family was in danger"

But things go bad quickly. The two neophytes do not bother: they want to fly aboard the Alouette II, a helicopter dating from the 1960s. Impossible, their answer Stéphane Buis in the hangar, because the machine "did not have enough fuel to do a baptism ". "And there, everything changes," he recalls. The men "condemn" him to take the Alouette II, even after refueling. "They forced me and warned that my family was in danger," says the ex-hostage on RTL, the voice choppy, convinced that he was not chosen at random. His 3,000 hours on the clock had to make the accomplices of the robber salivate, he judges.

Faïd's accomplices have planned everything for the operation to go off without a hitch. They first order the pilot to make a usual flight so as not to be spotted. They then pretend an urgent desire to order Stéphane Buis to land in a field. Just out of the helicopter, the two men take the pilot into play before thrashing him with butts. That's when they give him their plan: to get "a friend" at the prison of Réau, in Seine-et-Marne.

Hooded men "of the genus Raid or GIGN"

The penitentiary center appears a few minutes later on the horizon. Individuals then order a new halt on a field not far from the penitentiary center. "They ask me to cut the turbine and put the head on the neck to avoid seeing a commando arrive," says the experienced pilot. Blind, the man hears what he guesses to be loads of noise in the back of the cabin and the arrival of new mates.

The nightmare continues: the old machine does not want to start any more. "They may have thought I was simulating a false failure," says the pilot, who portrays an angry red commando, like the Alouette II's seers. The butts of the butts rain. Stéphane Buis comes out of the cabin to try to solve the problem. Outside, he is confronted with men in suits and hooded, "like Raid or GIGN". Then everything goes back to normal and the Alouette takes off again

A Faïd Redoine "very quiet"

Cape to the prison and its main courtyard. The commando forces the pilot to fly over the speaker. He places the Alouette on a small asphalt path inside the prison after a "precise" maneuver. In a time stroke, the accomplices leave the badpit and return with a Redoine Faïd who will remain "very quiet" all the way back. Stéphane Buis will know after the fact, thanks to the police and the media, the identity of his pbadenger. The hostage is finally released not far from Bourget. Although shocked, Stéphane Buis will take the handle of a helicopter very quickly.

Read also. Faid's escape: the prison guards had given the warning

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