Everything that changes on August 1, 2018


ECONOMY – A rise and a fall. Like every first month or so, several changes are felt in the daily life of the French. The 1st of July 2018 was marked by the entry into force of the limitation to 80 km / h on certain roads of France, but also an increase of the tariffs of the gas and the price of tobacco.

If the changes are fewer this Wednesday, August 1, 2018, they will still impact the daily life of the French.

Significant increase. Regie's regulated gas prices will increase by an average of 0.2% on August 1st compared with July, reflecting the rise in wholesale prices, announced the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). The increase is 0.1% for gas users for cooking, 0.1% for consumers who have a dual use cooking and hot water and 0.2% for homes that heat gas, details the

Since January 1, 2015, regulated gas sales tariffs have dropped on average by 4.4%. Since the opening of the energy market to competition, the 10.6 million French consumers subscribing to gas have the choice between the regulated tariffs of the old monopoly and the market prices, proposed by both Engie and its

  • Electricity drops by 0.5%

Unlike gas, regulated electricity sales tariffs are expected to fall by 0.5% for individuals, but increase by 1.1% for small professionals on August 1, advocated Friday the Energy Regulatory Commission. "This decline of 0.5% for private customers is mainly the result of a technical effect, the end of the catching up of differences between costs and tariffs for the year 2012", explains the regulator.

This The case dates back to April 2014, when the Conseil d'Etat invalidated the 2% cap on the price increase for the period from August 2012 to August 2013, decided by the government of Jean-Marc Ayrault.

  • reimbursement of four drugs against Alzheimer's

Anti-Alzheimer drugs, considered insufficiently effective and potentially risky, will no longer be reimbursed. A government decision challenged by badociations of patients and professionals. According to this order of the Ministry of Health, the measure concerns the four drugs (Aricept, Ebixa, Exelon, Reminyl) that treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's, as well as their generics. Until then they had been reimbursed up to 15% by the Health Insurance, at a cost of some 90 million euros in 2015.

It was the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn who announced her decision, following thus the opinion of the High Authority of Health, which she directed before entering the government. In October 2016, the Transparency Commission of the HAS, which evaluates the treatments for their reimbursement, had judged that these medicines had "insufficient medical interest to justify their badumption of responsibility". It also pointed out "the existence of potentially serious undesirable effects".

  • The rents framework renewed in 28 "tense zones"

This Wednesday August 1st also marks the renewal of the rents framing in 28 " tense areas ". 1149 municipalities in the 28 main metropolitan areas in which the supply of housing is difficult to meet demand, making the situation particularly complex for tenants. The objective being to limit the increase in rents

Tense areas: Lyon, Toulouse, Nantes, Toulon, Annecy, Ajaccio, Bastia, Bayonne, Meaux, Menton, Saint-Nazaire, Sète, Thonon-les- Baths, Arles, Beauvais, Biarritz, Fréjus, Annembade, Arcachon, Bordeaux, Grenoble, La Rochelle, Lyon, Marseille – Aix-en-Provence, Montpellier, Nice and Strasbourg.

In these areas, rent increase is particularly framed. Thus, it is only possible in the case of a new lease and must be limited to the variation of the rent reference index, and only if the dwelling has undergone work justifying the increase or if the rent is much lower than the market average

  • A boost for Nurses and Childminders

Finally, some professions benefit from a small financial boost. This is the case for the liberal nurses who see a revaluation of the increase called "Sunday and holidays" which will increase from 8 € to 8.50 €. And the childminders see their minimum wage go from 9.98 € gross per hour to 10.21 €

Read also:

• The new technical control will cost more, its interest seems however limited

• A million smokers in less than a year in France

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