Fab Labs These labs where the future is made – 21/07/2018


 Fab Labs These labs where the future is made

Fab Labs These labs where the future is made

The most important international event dedicated to digital manufacturing and Fab Labs (Fab 14) is is in Toulouse this week. This weekend, the innovation opens to the general public.

Here, a splendid laser cutter, there, three small 3D printers in action, on the floor, a conference on these machines that create machines or even on the future of food. Since Monday, at the conference center Pierre-Baudis, it swarms … ideas and " makers " ! These "creator-manufacturers" are students, engineers, designers, scientists, or citizens. And all in a white coat! In this biolab workshop, some explain, show. Others test, practice, learn. "They look at the bacteria we all have on our skin," says Nicolas Lbadabe, president of Artilect, who organizes Fab 14. "Observing them helps to understand the benefits of decontamination." Here, everyone speaks English. These workshops involve more than 1,000 members from 500 digital manufacturing laboratories around the world. "The goal of Fab 14 is to allow Fab Labs to meet, share and share," continues Nicolas Lbadabe. In short, to see what is happening around the world. This laser cutter which stands at the entrance of the room dedicated to workshops (workshops) is the first to have been entirely manufactured in a Fab lab. "In this workshop, we explain how it was made," says the president of Fab lab Toulouse. Until now, we bought machines from manufacturers, we made our own tools! "A few steps away, we look closely strange red tubes. "It's a workshop on smart materials, details the guide. They are equipped with sensors. It's robotics soft. It can have a variety of applications, for example, to create artificial muscles. "Of course, the big companies look closely at what is happening here. Thales, Airbus, Renault are represented. "We are here as a major economic player in Toulouse," says Mickaël Desmoulins, coordinator of Fab lab internal Renault. We must work to prepare our future. These crazy, innovative and enterprising geeks inspire us! "

A mainstream festival

This big gathering is not just for techies. This weekend, the Congress Center Pierre-Baudis and the garden Compans-Cafarelli will be open to the general public for the festival Fab labs worldwide. The opportunity to meet members of the international community, test inventions and innovations created in Fab labs, test CNC machines and participate in workshops. All, whatever his age. It is enough to be a little curious …

A thousand members in Toulouse

Fab Lab Toulouse Artilect has more than 1,000 members. This is one of the most important in France, and the oldest. Today, it is installed at 27 bis alleys Maurice-Sarraut, between Arènes and Patte d'oie. Artilect is organized in ten laboratories with DroneLab (construction, piloting and everything that revolves around the drone), FabTronic (electronics in all its forms, from initiation to more advanced projects), LabTextile (study of new materials) and learning to sew), LabDesign (how to rethink our daily life, redefine its environment), MusicLab (music in all its forms), LabRobot (from robotic interface badysis to robot combat, this lab is there to predict the future), etc. Everyone can join the Fab lab for 39 € per year and thus have access to most training on the different Fab lab machines (laser cutting, 3D printing, milling machine), realize his projects at Fab Lab, use the small free tooling as well as the electronics workshop (soldering, oscilloscope, stabilized power supply, frequency generator), access to the paying machines (laser cutting, vinyl cutting, sewing machines)

Infos sur artilect.fr

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