Facebook and Instagram will hunt users too young


This is a situation that has been going on for some time and that Facebook and Instagram decided to take a stand. While the Channel 4 Channel recently revealed that the two social networks were turning a blind eye, most of the time, on the existence of accounts opened by users under 13, the two US giants intend to show that they

The TechCrunch site explains that Facebook and Instagram will apply a stricter policy in this area to prevent teenagers below the age limit can open an account by simply returning a false date of birth. In case of doubt about the age of an account holder on one of the two social networks, the moderators will be able to demand the presentation of an identity document and may, if necessary, suspend the account in question.

A turnaround on the part of the company of Mark Zuckerberg which for several months has been going through a delicate period following the Cambridge Analytica scandal, this company which has collected data concerning nearly 90 million of Facebook users by exploiting a security breach. Facebook had so far multiplied initiatives to attract a very young target, as with the application Messenger Kids, intended for 6-12 years.

As more and more teenagers turn away from Facebook in favor of platforms like Snapchat, the Californian firm finds itself in an uncomfortable and paradoxical position, trying to win back the youngest while ensuring that the law on the minimum age is respected by its users

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