Facebook joins the SRI Partners College


Facebook officially enters the new College of Partners of the Union of Internet Regulators (SRI), announced last Friday. According to the union, this arrival "significantly enhances the sell-side representativeness of the SRI and enrich the value proposition for its members: more sharing of expertise, local and international, more dialogue with all players in the market and a real ambition to build together an ever more virtuous ecosystem, "according to a statement. For the president of SRI, Sylvia Tbadan Toffola, this movement is a "strong and very positive sign" because "integrating this actor reflects our resolutely collaborative spirit, essential to embody the reality of digital in France". "(…) We want to support the development of responsible digital advertising and share our vision of advertising in terms of innovation, professionalism and transparency," adds Florence Trouche, France's commercial director for Facebook.

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