Fallout 76: Bethesda would like cross-play, but Sony does not help


Since Fallout 76 will be a multiplayer-themed role-playing game, Bethesda obviously thought to propose cross-play so that PC players , PS4 and Xbox One can have fun together online. But of course, a builder does not hear it that way .

 Fallout 76 multiplayer gameplay head

Todd Howard, director of Fallout 76 spoke with Gamestar.de where he affirmed his desire to propose cross-play . But, at the moment, this is not possible, the fault Sony .

We would love to do that. But currently, it is not possible. Sony does not help us as much as we would like it.

Here, again, it is Sony which puts sticks in the wheels . Still, the maker of the PS4 seemed to be taking a step forward in recent days. It remains to be seen whether Bethesda will still offer cross-play between PC and Xbox One players. As a reminder, the release date of Fallout 76 is set for November 14, 2018.

 copy editor clint008 Amaury M. (Clint008)
Writer PC – Tester
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