Fallout 76 – Overcast with Bugs for Beta Warns Bethesda


Fallout 76 Assisted Armor Sticker

Bethesda made a point of warning future Fallout 76 beta players through a press release that they will encounter bugs as they wander through Wasteland in West Virginia.

How to point the obvious

Bethesda shared an open letter on Twitter in order to psychologically prepare players for the adventure proposed by Fallout 76 which will surely stuffed with bugs of all kinds. After all, it's not like we're not used to the Bethesda internal studio games.

A Note to our fans https://t.co/STRzjzv7gt pic.twitter.com/3wlGpnLKKp

– Bethesda Game Studios (@BethesdaStudios) October 22, 2018

As a development studio, we have done a lot of projects. We tried not to repeat ourselves, but all our games have a similar DNA. In 2015, we decided to try something very new and very scary for us: take one of our worlds and put it online only. Once the idea of ​​'Fallout-Online-Game-Of-Survival' has been blocked, there has been no turning back, but some concerns and questions remain. "Will people want that from Fallout? Will they want it from us? How are we going to do that? What exactly is it exactly?

Beta … sorry, the B.E.T.A from Fallout 76 is about to debut on Xbox One for players who have pre-ordered the game and will be able to play it without interruption until the official release the title scheduled for November 14. It was therefore an opportunity to be honest with the fans.

A nuclear explosion
"Someone has gathered all the nuclear codes? – No, it's a bug »

Yes the pre-launch test period is too short to correct all the problems that will be encountered in the game, it was then an opportunity to call to the indulgence of the players and to recall that the development of an online game is a first for Todd Howard's studio and will require prepare to meet bugs (more than usual anyway).

We all know, with the breadth of our games and the systems we allow you to use, that bugs and unexpected problems always come up. Given what we do with [Fallout] 76, we know that we are opening everyone up to spectacular new issues that none of us have ever encountered. We know some of them, as the performance has to be improved for many players, but others remain unknown. We need your help to find them and advice on important points to solve. We will tackle all this now and after the launch.

You are warned. For now, Fallout 76's merit compared to other similar survival games is that it does not will not need an early access phase apart from the relatively short beta phase. If there are bugs, we still expect to a complete global experience and refined in the main lines.

Moreover, we are still waiting for news of a potential stress test on PC and PS4, since the Xbox One was there last week in anticipation of B.E.T.A. If you're interested in this Fallout that is not really one, you can jump on our summary of things that we know for now.

Fallout 76 will be available November 14 on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Preorder goclécd.fr (PC) and Amazon (PS4 / XB1)

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