Far Cry 5 unveils the gameplay of its upcoming DLC ​​on Mars


The DLC arrives tomorrow on our consoles and PC!

Far Cry 5 does not stop the DLC to bring content to the players! DLC whose ambience is very far from the basic game for a new experience constantly renewed. And with its latest DLC, Ubisoft has done very well since it will be a live adventure of the planet Mars. A obviously hostile planet where many aliens will walk but also their queen ready to fight. In other words, the fun of series B will be well for the additional content called simply "Lost On Mars".

Lost on Mars

These are the journalists of 'IGN who had the chance to test this new DLC Far Cry 5. We discover several minutes of gameplay with a modified gravity and aliens everywhere – which will obviously be aggressive. Cherry on the cake ? The player faces a slightly disgusting queen alien! It's impossible not to see a tribute to serie B with Paul Verhoeven's Total Recall inspiration.

With this DLC on the red planet, the promise of a whole new experience in a different world. As a reminder, Ubisoft has indicated its desire, with the next generation, to offer ever more different areas for an almost infinite experience with the additional memory that the machines will offer. Far Cry 5 and its many theme DLCs, including Lost On Mars, could be a first step towards the desire of the French studio.

Reminder, it is July 17 that will be proposed Lost On Mars to the players. What extend the Far Cry 5 experience outside Montana – on another planet!

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