Farouk Ben Abbes, figure of radical Islam, sentenced to 4 years in prison


This 32-year-old Franco-Belgian was tried for his activity on Ansar Al-Haqq, which was the reference francophone jihadist site in the late 2000s. He was convicted of the offense of "terrorist criminal conspiracy"

A figure of radical Islam, the Belgo-Tunisian Farouk Ben Abbes, was sentenced on Friday night in Paris to four years in prison for his activity on what was the site francophone jihadist reference to the late 2000s, Ansar Al-Haqq. Convicted of the crime of criminal conspiracy, the 32-year-old man, who appeared free, was also sentenced to a permanent ban on French territory. The prosecutor had asked for six years in prison with immediate imprisonment, when his supporters had pleaded his acquittal.

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At the heart of this file, this forum whose name means "The supporters of the truth", now closed, was a reference of the jihadist web in French at a time when jihad was conducted in particular in Afghanistan or Pakistan. Farouk Ben Abbes, 32, was tried in criminal court for criminal conspiracy to terrorist with three other men, like former administrators of the site.

Releases of jihadist organizations, claims of attacks, encryption software. More than just a place of propaganda, it was, in the eyes of the prosecution, "a tool put at the disposal of terrorist organizations to recruit or even to communicate". According to the prosecutor, the site was "operational in nature", allowing its members to contact jihadists "already on the spot" by means of a private courier. He "indoctrinated" and "favored departures for jihad", in application of "the doctrine of al-Qaida: global jihad and media jihad."

"Serve Jihad and Participate in it"

while he was clandestinely in the Gaza Strip between 2008 and 2009, Farouk Ben Abbes posted hundreds of messages, translated press releases and summaries of a book entitled "39 ways to serve jihad and participate". A slogan, "Media jihad is half of the fight", accompanied each of his messages. This "intelligent" man with an "ability to influence" is notably "the one who nearly gave Ansar Al-Haqq an international dimension" by trying to tie it to the Global Islamist Media Front (GIMF), affiliated with al -Qaida, said the prosecutor.

»READ ALSO – Trial against the jihadist site Ansar al-Haqq

The prosecution's representative has applied for another six years' imprisonment with incarceration immediately, a two-thirds security period and a definitive ban on French territory. "I do not want to keep an individual on the territory whose dangerousness is so obvious," he said. Often quoted in anti-terrorist files, never convicted except for breaches of his house arrest, lifted in May, Farouk Ben Abbes had denied Thursday recruitment for jihad. He had badured his co-defendants that he had disseminated this propaganda only to "inform". "A real tartufferie" in the eyes of the prosecutor.

The defense lawyers pleaded the release of their clients, denouncing both a justice made too late, in a context of increased severity in the face of recent jihadist attacks, and terrorist criminal prosecution without any "material" element to support them. Ben Abbes "has no connection with this radical Islamist movement," said one of his lawyers, Vincent Brengarth. "To incarcerate any man, ten years after the fact, is an exceptional decision!", Warned his other counsel, William Bourdon, before urging the court to "stay the course for the future. the future of our rule of law in France "

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