Football Leaks: Gianni Infantino at FIFA, acts sometimes far from speeches


Football Leaks

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The Football Leaks documents badyzed by Mediapart show the discrepancy between the good intentions displayed by Gianni Infantino, the President of Fifa, and his management of the instance.

Football - Football - Infantino was elected President of FIFA in February 2016. (A. Martin / The Team)

Infantino was elected President of FIFA in February 2016. (A. Martin / The Team)

A code of ethics amended by itself

In reading the latest revelations of Football Leaks, we learn that Infantino has interfered in the revision of the internal code of ethics at Fifa, which he suggested to amend no less than 12 articles for the purported purpose of weakening the investigators in charge of ethics. For example, it would have introduced a three-month delay before the Ethics Committee could seize a case of an official suspected of corruption, arguing that "Fifa [n’était] not the global police with the obligation to investigate and punish anything that happens anywhere in the world ".

The coup to overthrow Fifa's chief investigator

Infantino owes part of his rise to Cornel Borbély, the chief investigator of FIFA known to have dropped Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini. But in May 2017, the Swiss was fired "suddenly", officially because the international body wanted fewer Europeans in its committees. Borbély would have been especially wrong, writes Mediapart, to open two investigations Infantino, which replaced him in the wake of a lawyer and judge Colombian inadequate CV and suspicious connections, Maria Claudia Rojas. The "superamiga" ("super girlfriend") is described as not speaking English "And hardly French", only going to Zurich "Very occasionally" and delegating almost all of his work to FIFA's legal department. "The quantity and quality of investigations" aimed at important members of Fifa would have "Significantly decreased" since his appointment …

Money quickly redistributed to federations to ensure his reelection

Upon baduming office, Infantino promised to "zero tolerance" against corruption and bad managers. Also, the development of the "Forward" plan was supposed to allow "Meticulously control the payments to make sure the money finances football well", notes Mediapart. Except that in fact, the rules of Forward have not been respected: anxious not to lose credit for re-election, scheduled for May 2019, Infantino has given way to the discontent of the federations and accelerated the payment of hundreds of millions of dollars against the advice of some of his closest badociates, "Without knowing how the manna will be[it] used ".

His dubious relationship with a Swiss prosecutor

The President of FIFA has an ambiguous friendship with the Swiss prosecutor Rinaldo Arnold, a kind of shadow adviser who would win "Regularly to collect information on behalf of Gianni Infantino from the Swiss Federal Prosecutor's Office (MPC), while this one investigates the world of football ». Arnold has proposed to his friend "To have the MPC issue a press release explaining that there is no proceeding against you", at the time investigators were looking for evidence in the case of UEFA's dubious contract for audiovisual rights in April 2016. In exchange for his help, Infantino notably provided Arnold with tickets for the Champions League final or, later, for the World Cup in Russia. In VIP.

Y. So.

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