Fortnite: a partnership with Funko for Pop! and other figurines


Everybody Knows Pop! Figures of Funko People of Popular Culture with Big Heads Some Fans Have Fun Collecting . All licenses pbad, even Pokémon did not escape this madness, and soon, the players will be able to crack for figurines of Fortnite whose Season 5 has just begun

 Fortnite screenshot 6

Funko has just announced a partnership with Epic Games for producing Fortnite figurines . The fans will be able to collect Pop! of Pint Size Heroes of Vynl of 5 Star keychains and others by-products Funko offering t-shirts in addition to figurines. Brian Mariotti, CEO of Funko speaks of a true celebration of the game Fortnite and intends to create a real line of derivatives like the famous title of Epic Games .

And when will these Pop! and other figurines bearing the likeness of the characters of Fortnite be available? Well, for the end of the year 2018 which makes you already a good gift idea if you know any fans.

Fortnite: changelog of the content update 5.0, save mode The World on Promotion

 copywriter vignette clint008 Amaury M. (Clint008)
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