Fortnite Guide: Battle Royale – Season 5: Week 2


A new week begins for the weekly challenges. We show you how to accomplish the toughest in order to quickly increase the levels of your Fortnite Battle Royale Combat Pbad.

Harlem Globetrotter

Season 5 lands and changes some rules for weekly challenges. Certainly, there are fewer challenges to achieve each week, but their importance was increased . The Combat Pbad of this new season may keep the players in suspense.

The main thing is to keep the basic objective : to achieve original challenges and wadding seal to advance his past and win skins and other cosmetic items.

 challenges week 2 season 5
The challenges of the second season of season 5

This week, we will take advantage of an emote that you unlock with this season's BattlePbad.

Unfortunately, there is a prerequisite. To be able to fulfill the challenge, you must first unlock level 11 of the BattlePbad, to use the basketball emote.

Then, you must find a basket and simply activate the emote and have the ball fall into it. Enfantin .

 basketball basket

The baskets are not necessarily present on a complete course. They may be isolated in any places.

Here is a list of non-exhaustive locations baskets that you can find on the island. They will be amply sufficient for to complete the contract .

 basketball basket card

Fortnite is available on PC, Mac, Xbox One, PS4 and iOS in Access anticipated.

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