France Belgium: Serge the rabbit of the RATP defies the Belgian STIB on Twitter


Since the start of the World Cup, the RATP has fun on his Twitter account @sergelapin to joke around the teams opposed to the France team. Thus, facing the Argentina, Serge the rabbit challenges the team of France insisting: " No stop at the station Argentina " AA Brussels, the big Belgian daily "Le Soir" tells that the STIB, the Belgian equivalent of the RATP, has taken the game to rename its stations according to the matches of the Belgian team in its journey to the world.
Thus, wrote "Le Soir": " La Stib likes to change the names of his subway stations according to the qualifications of the Red Devils at this 2018 World Cup. The Hankar station had become "Hankar Final" while the Demey station had been renamed "En Demey finale." But this time, the Stib was taken aback by his Paris counterpart e du duel between France and Belgium this Tuesday, July 10 at 20h . "

So this time, it is the STIB who proposes to the RATP to rename" Saint-Lazare "in" Saint -Hasard " word game on the name of star player of the Red Devils Eden Hasard, if Belgium wins tonight.

RATP accepts the bet and in exchange proposes to STIB to broadcast in its stations the song of Johnny Hallyday written for the 2002 World Cup "All together" if it is France who wins!

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