France – Croatia: This time it will be a final – 2018 World Cup – Football


WORLD CUP – The final of this 2018 World Cup is known and will oppose Sunday, in Moscow (17h), the team of France to that of Croatia. The Blues will be favorites in a duel that will remind many the 1998 semi-final. But that will be another story.

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One certainty: Lilian Thuram will not be able to put on her clothes as an unlikely hero. Twenty years later, the Blues will re-cross the road of the talented Croatia. This time, no semi-finals at the Stade de France, nor an outpouring of joy after the most crazy double in the history of French football. It is the step above that await both teams: the final of a World Cup.

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If the Blues were announced as solid outsiders in this World Cup, it is finally the band Luka Modric who has donned these clothes. Sunday, on the lawn of the magnificent Luzhniki stadium, the French, from the top of their two finals in World Cup, will leave favorites against Croats who had never been to such a party.

France – Croatia. So that's the final of this 2018 World Cup. You have to pinch yourself to believe it. Very clever who could have predicted such an outcome. But both teams were able to pbad the tests, not without difficulty, to clear the road, winding, to this appointment July 15.

Video – "1998-2018: Many similarities but a major difference"


Croatia arrives exhausted

The Blues successively dismissed Argentina, Uruguay and Belgium by adapting perfectly to the challenges proposed. Almost quietly considering the course of their opponents.

The Croatians played scare in a more open part of the painting. After impressing the world in group stage, they trembled against Denmark and Russia to qualify, on a wire, on penalties. And, in the semifinals, as if that was not enough, they decided to put the cover back to capsize in the euphoria in extra time. Systematically going back a goal late, symbol of their strength of character. But, physically … It's simple, Zlatko Dalić's men have played ninety minutes more than the Blues. One more match in sum …

Historically, this France – Croatia does not have the flavor of a duel against England or the intoxicating scent of France – Brazil. Five small games. Three blue victories and two draws. So much for the record. There was, of course, this July 8, 1998. There was also this 2-2 at Euro 2004 in the group stage. For the rest, friendships without much interest.

On Sunday, it will be a different story. A World Cup final is winning. With improbable hero or not. It does not matter. The hardest of the way is done. It remains to pbad the last pbad before reaching the world peaks. The ones the Blues will want to find at any price. The ones that Croatia dreams of discovering. Those that lead to the star. The world star.

 The French team against Belgium

The French team against Belgium Getty Images

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