France-Croatia: Vida, Dalic, Vrsaljko … Croatia would be nothing without its heroes of the shadow – World Cup 2018 – Football


WORLD CUP – They are not called Luka Modric, Mario Mandzukic, Ivan Rakitic or Ivan Perisic. They do not have the same recognition as their more internationally renowned teammates. But if Croatia is in the final of the World Cup against France, it must also to them. Close up on these heroes of the shadow who contributed to the historical qualification of their nation.

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Danijel Subasic

The French public knows him well. Subasic has been Monaco's goalkeeper since 2012. And his status has never been questioned in clubs, despite the presence of more famous competitors such as Sergio Romero and Maarten Stekelenburg in recent years. This says a lot about the regularity at the highest level of the Croatian porter. He has never really had the recognition he deserves in France.

Many even saw him as a weak link for Croatia in Russia. It would rather become one of the badets. Hero of the penalty shoot-out against Denmark in the round of 16 (1-1 ap, 3-2 tab), then against Russia in the quarter-finals (2-2 ap, 4-3 tab) despite a pain in the thigh, the Monegasque has not only fully played its role as the last bastion. He has also embodied the spirit of self-transcendence that characterizes Croatia.

 Subasic stops Schone's penalty

Subasic stops Schone's penalty Eurosport

Domagoj Vida

He made a name for himself during this World Cup. to say the least. Domagoj Vida was the subject of a FIFA investigation after a video moved in the wake of the qualification against Russia. The Croatian defender escaped with a fine while a sports sanction was sometimes mentioned. Fortunately for the checkerboard selection. Car Vida, 29, was still crucial against England in the semifinals.

He is not only the boss of the Croatian defense. In his atypical style, the man with the ponytail is one of the main leaders of Croatia. An essential maul coupled with an intractable defender. And his role goes beyond the defensive. Always present on the offensive kicks offensive, the player of the Besiktas scored a capital goal in the extension against Russia. He was certainly too far after the meeting. But in the field, Vida is irreproachable.

 Domagoj Vida of Croatia

Domagoj Vida of Croatia Getty Images

Sime Vrsaljko

In his club at Atlético, he is essentially confined to a role of lining. Sime Vrsaljko has been Juanfran's regular replacement since joining the Colchoneros two years ago. These first two seasons in Madrid were thwarted by injuries. And the Croatian had to wait for Juanfran to pbad by the infirmary to find a more regular playing time. This is the case since the beginning of this year 2018. Its year.

Vrsaljko had already been quite successful with Atlético. He did better than confirm this impression with his selection. In defense, it is in the purest style of Colchoneros: a real guard dog. But he shines especially by his offensive contribution. True host of the right corridor, valuable relay for Modric, the Croatian side of 26 years was illustrated against England with a decisive pbad on the equalizer of Ivan Perisic. A fair reward for a successful World.

 Sime Vrsaljko - Croatia - World Cup 2018

Sime Vrsaljko – Croatia – World Cup 2018 Getty Images

            Marcelo Brozovic

He is already in the history of this World Cup. Unless his record falls in the final. Nothing is less sure. Facing England, Marcelo Brozovic covered a distance of over 16 kilometers. Never had anyone run so much in a World Cup match. This reflects the activity of the midfield of Inter against the English. And he did not just run. Brozovic also did some very interesting things with the ball.

His placement was essential in the Croatian qualification. Through his ability to manage the first raise well and compensate for the movements of his teammates in the middle, it allowed Luka Modric and Ivan Rakitic to free themselves more during the match. The quality of the Croatian interlude has often been summed up by the presence of Madrid and Barcelona. At 25, Brozovic shows that he is also important in this sector. Given the two men at his side, it's a performance.

 Marcelo Brozovic

Marcelo Brozovic Getty Images

Zlatko Dalic

Look no further. He never trained a big European club. Zlatko Dalic is perhaps the most unrecognized coach ever seen in a World Cup final. It is also quite miraculous to find him there. The one who took over from Ante Cacic last October after the draw in Finland (1-1) certainly did not expect it. Then there was the victory in Ukraine (0-2), synonymous with dams. And finally the qualification against the Greeks (4-1, 0-0), synonymous with Mondial.

His group is in his image. Talent, he knew how to exploit it. But above all, he has instilled this unique state of mind, essential for getting out of three delicate situations after a successful chick phase. " He created an atmosphere 'all for one, one for all', a family atmosphere in the team, and that is not given to everyone ", explains Miroslav Blazevic, the one who had led Croatia in the semifinals of the 1998 World Cup. Dalic was his disciple. And the student has pbaded the master.

 Manager Zlatko Dalic and Luka Modric of Croatia

Manager Zlatko Dalic and Luka Modric of Croatia Getty Images

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