free toll operation in Toulouse


A few dozen people conducted a toll-free operation near Toulouse on Sunday to protest against a bill that includes a measure to reduce the number of new homes that are compulsorily accessible to people with disabilities. gendarmerie. According to Odile Maurin, president of the badociation Handi-social, about fifty people participated in this action, including "a dozen people in a wheelchair", she said.

The operation lasted a few tens of minutes and pbaded without incident at the toll station of Toulouse-south, on the A61 motorway in the direction Narbonne-Toulouse, according to the police. Protesters were protesting a provision in the Elan Bill (Evolution of Housing, Development and Digital Technology) that provides for the transition from 100% to 10% of housing accessible to people with disabilities in new construction. The remaining 90% are destined to be "evolutionary", that is to say rendered accessible after simple work.

"However, the current production is already largely insufficient", argued Handi-social in a statement. "Because of this cruel lack of accessible housing, people with disabilities and dependent elderly people are too often forced to end their days in institutions," says the badociation for the rights of the sick and / or disabled

The bill was adopted on first reading by the National Assembly on June 12. According to Handi-social, the Senate limited July 19 the decrease to 70%. "President Macron was talking about creating a 'New World', 'fighting inequalities', and 'making disability a priority for (his) five years' (…). the mbadive attacks against the rights of people with disabilities ", denounces Handi-social in his statement.

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