Fuel theft increases [Vidéo]


The scene took place in Crèvecoeur-le-grand, in the Oise, on the night of Sunday to Monday. A gas station was hacked by criminals. Their goal: steal large amounts of fuel. First, a first vehicle connects to the pump, simulates a maintenance operation, and increases the price to 0 euro. Then an accomplice arrives in a van and fills in tanks more than 1000 liters of fuel. But the thieves are surprised by a patrol of gendarmes who pbaded by.

Not the first time "At the sight of gendarmes, the motorist sought to flee," said Lieutenant-Colonel Sebastien Mahey. "Very quickly, it was controlled by the gendarmes who realized the presence in the vehicle of a large tank containing nearly 1000 liters of diesel, plus jerrycans of gasoline." This is not the first time hackers have mastered the flow of a pump. Last May, 3,000 liters of diesel fuel were stolen in one night. Fuel thieves are also attacking construction companies. In the Orne, this SME has already stolen more than 5,000 euros of fuel this year. "We leave the gear in the evening to avoid transfers and we siphoned the tanks of two construction vehicles," says Jerome Launay, director of Demo TP. Transportation companies are also affected. More and more expensive, the essence seems to stir more greed.

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