Fuels: flights multiply


It was on this road from Picardy, to Crèvecœur-le-Grand (Oise), on the night of Sunday, October 21st. A gas station was hacked by criminals. Their goal: to steal as much fuel as possible. A first vehicle connects to the pump simulating a maintenance operation and increases the price to zero euros. An accomplice arrives in a van and steals more than 1,000 liters of fuel. The thieves are finally surprised by a patrol of gendarmes who pbaded by.

This is not the first time that criminals control the flow of a pump using a remote control. Last May, 3,000 liters of diesel fuel were stolen in a week. Fuel thieves also attack construction companies. In the Orne, an SME was stolen more than 5,000 liters of fuel. Transportation companies are also affected. The essence always seems to fan the lusts.

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