Galaxy S10: Leaks Reveal Radical Improvements


 Galaxy S10

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          Concept of Galaxy S10 – CONCEPT CREATOR

We already knew that Galaxy Note 9 had problems, but we now know the cause: Samsung keeps all its radical improvements for the Galaxy S10, which will mark the 10th anniversary of the range …

The Bell, a Korean site known for the reliability of its information, revealed that Samsung was planning to equip the Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 Plus a surplus of cameras : four for the first and five for the second.

According to the website, both models will have a triple rear camera. As for the front camera, the Galaxy S10 will have only one, against two for the Galaxy S10 Plus. Such a decision could bring Samsung back to the fore in terms of photographic innovation for smartphones, a field over which it had faded in recent years to give way to Huawei's P20 Pro and Google Image Processing . And things are just beginning …

We already know that the Galaxy S10 will benefit from a feature finally omitted Galaxy 9, and a makeover that finally allows Samsung to show its ability to reduce curbs . Finally, the only real concern is the possibility that Samsung dilutes the Galaxy S10 range with a low-budget version that lacks some key features .

Galaxy Note 9: what Samsung says it can do, and the reality – ICE UNIVERSE

However, and as Apple prepares to steal the show in Samsung in the second half of 2018 with its three new iPhones, it seems that the Korean manufacturer is preparing a new flagship model capable of him to get back on top in early 2019. Particularly important information, when we know that the real ace in the sleeve of Samsung for 2019 will cost more than 2000 dollars

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