GeForce GTX 1060 and 1070 (Ti), Nvidia offers Monster Hunter World title


As the holiday season approaches, Nvidia begins to implement various operations. They consist in enhancing its graphics cards especially the GTX 1000 series.

The giant is thus attacking the existing voluntarily putting aside its new GeForce RTX 20 series at very dissuasive rates. The operation consists of valuing Pascal GPUs and in particular the GeForce GTX 1060 and 1070 (Ti). It must be said that the graphics card market has suffered a violent backlash with a collapse in demand. As a result, stocks of GeForce GTX 1000 series are not lacking.

Monster Hunter World is offered by Nvidia

The operation begins today and ends on November 30th. Nvidia proposes to offer the title Monster Hunter World for the purchase of a GeForce GTX 1060 6G or 1070 (Ti).

Test of the GeForce GTX 1060 Founders Edition

The operation requires the obtaining of a code to download the game under Steam. The title is currently offered at a price of 59.99 €.

Nvidia explains

"In Monster Hunter: World, you'll discover the ultimate hunting experience as you explore a new world to hunt gigantic monsters. By using everything you can to make epic weapons, you will face even bigger animals, surrounded by fabulous landscapes, full of surprises and traps. Update your weaponry with a selected GeForce GTX Series 10 graphics card to enjoy the latest episode of the series. "

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