Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux evokes "a speed problem" with the government


Paris – The new president of Medef Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux said Monday that there was "a problem of speed" with the government "which proposes a lot of reforms," ​​he said.

Asked about France Inter on the occasion of his first interview since his election, Mr. Roux de Bézieux said that the role of Medef would be to see " how to adapt to + this new world + and the speed imposed by the government ".

Elected July 3 to succeed Pierre Gattaz, the head of the French employers has repeatedly mentioned " the rapid evolution of technology " that companies will face, mentioning " economic cycles "now" much shorter ".

Asked about the relatively tight score of the election, won with 55.8% of the votes against Alexander Saubot, the new " boss bosses ", which rejects this term to prefer that of " spokesperson ", said not to believe" that the movement was divided "and claimed to be" gathering the employers' organization ".

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux badured that the employers' organization remained legitimate with " 123,000 adhering companies " and " more than 50% of employees in the private " but said he wanted recruit more members in the future.

Finally, opposed to the withholding tax to be put in place in January 2019, the leader said that " the battle is not lost " and denounced the " surplus of charges on small businesses "that the reform would bring.

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