"Give him time", "the French will speak"


Emmanuel Macron, "give him time" and "the French will speak" in the next elections, said former President Nicolas Sarkozy in a long interview published Tuesday by Point.

"In terms of criticism, Emmanuel Macron seems served." "I am no longer in the political fight, I know how difficult it is to meet all the expectations of an election, so I will refrain from criticizing it, and I observe that in terms of criticism it seems served … and it's so easy to destroy, "he said.

"Let's give him time, the French will speak during the next elections," said Nicolas Sarkozy, ensuring "the best for our country."

The former president does not "need the power to live". The former president, however, warns against a power "dangerous, it can become a drug.A little experience does not harm the dangers that emanations of power can generate," he advises.

And to deny any desire to return to power. "I knew from the beginning that power was a parenthesis that we do not own," says Nicolas Sarkozy, ensuring not to have "need of power to live." He admits to having "made mistakes, there are things I would do differently, but I have no bitterness, no regret," he says.

The unfortunate candidate of the primary school of the right and center of 2016 says he "took a step back with the artifices of communication.This is probably a belated conviction, because I have sinned much in the matter, I admit ".

He remains implicated in several cases. This river interview comes a few days after the confirmation by the Paris Court of Appeal of its referral to a court for the financial slippages of its 2012 campaign in the so-called "Bygmalion" case. His lawyer will appeal on points of law. The former host of the Elysee Palace is also implicated in other cases: he is indicted since March 2018 for "pbadive corruption, illegal financing of election campaign and concealment of public funds Libyan" as part of the campaign 2007 presidential election.

He advocates a "new European treaty"

In the same interview, Nicolas Sarkozy believes that the priority in Europe is to "put a new treaty on the table to define the Europe of the future and profoundly change the rules of the game", especially to prevent the "divorce" of with the United Kingdom, which he considers "avoidable".

This new treaty would make it possible for the British to remain in the "Europe of tomorrow, with fewer but more legible skills," he says. "We are losing the second largest economy in Europe, the United Kingdom, and we are only interested in one thing: the conditions of divorce, without asking whether this divorce is avoidable. conviction that it is, "judges the former president.

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