Google has laid off 48 employees in 2 years, including 13 senior executives


Google has fired 48 employees, including 13 senior officials, for badual harbadment over the past two years, writes Sundar Pichai, the director general, in an internal document addressed to employees whose AFP obtained a copy on Thursday.

Sundar Pichai badures that none of these employees received severance pay, while the New York Times In an investigation on Thursday, the internet giant choked several cases of harbadment involving top executives including Andy Rubin, creator of the Android mobile operating system. Sundar Pichai does not give the names of the sanctioned officials.

$ 90 million in severance benefits

The New York Times reports that Andy Rubin was forced by management to leave Google in 2014 because of a harbadment charge but received $ 90 million in severance pay.

At the time of his departure, Google knowingly concealed the fact that an employee, who had an affair with him, "accused him of inappropriate badual behavior", namely, a badual relationship imposed in 2013, an episode that ended their relationship and that the alleged victim reportedly denounced internally the following year. according to the New York Timeshowever, an internal investigation had found the accusations of the employee "credible".

"Mr. Rubin left Google voluntarily in 2014 (…) He never behaved inappropriately at Google or anywhere else, and no one ever told him he had," he said. his spokesperson in an email.

"Any relationship that Mr. Rubin had while he was at Google was consented to and did not concern anyone under his direct control.He had a relationship granted in 2012. To his knowledge, at that time, no internal rule 'forbidden employee connections,' continued Sam Singer.

In total, advance the New York TimesGoogle has "protected three senior executives over the past decade who have been accused of inappropriate badual behavior" and has not released the charges.

In the employee letter, Sundar Pichai says the group has updated its rules of procedure and now requires senior officials to disclose any intimate relationship with another employee. Google also opened in-house, in 2015 according to Sundar Pichai, a phone line allowing employees to report any inappropriate behavior of a manager, which they attended or of which they were the victim.

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