Ground meat contaminated with E. coli bacteria produced near Toulouse
Articles, Health, One
? July 10, 2018
Minced meat contaminated with E. Coli bacteria produced near Toulouse
Photo: Toulouse Infos
A new alert to E.Coli bacteria in minced meat was launched this weekend. The contaminated lots were produced at the Sovivo (Casino Group) plant in Bruguières (Haute-Garonne).
These Escherichia Coli O26 bacteria were found in pure beef ground beef and chopped chopped steaks sold in Leader Price and Casino brands. According to Sovevo, the contamination would be external to the building.
The plant indicates that the contamination comes from a carcbad purchased from a supplier and that any risk of new contamination in the plant is ruled out. "It is the raw material delivered by one of our suppliers which is in question. When they enter the factory, the carcbades are inspected one by one and if visually they are soiled we refuse them. But it can happen that the defilement is not visible, that's probably what happened, "explained to our colleagues in France 3 a spokesman for the company.
The Sovivo brand products concerned bear the following expiry dates: June 30, 2018; 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 July 2018, and the batches were distributed by Leader Price stores and Casino supermarkets in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Center-Val-de-Loire, New Aquitaine, Occitanie, Provence regions. -Alpes-Côte d'Azur and the department of Saône-et-Loire.
The Ministry of Health indicates that Escherichia coli O26 is likely to cause serious harm to anyone who consumes raw or undercooked product. The health consequences may be abdominal pain and vomiting, with or without fever. It is also recommended not to consume these products and to bring them back to the point of sale where they were purchased.
Virginie Tsiao
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