Guerrilla Games will move into a huge studio and wants to recruit en masse


Guerrilla Games is a studio first-party major of Sony Interactive Entertainment and is known for the saga Killzone and the excellent Horizon: Zero Dawn . The team is currently composed of about 250 employees, but Guerrilla wants to expand. Mbadively. In this future studio:

 Guerrilla Games Studio Amsterdam 2019

As indicated by the Dutch newspaper Het Parool the team will move early next year to premises of 7,300 square meters on five floors. This will change the current 2,700 m². Hermen Hulst, co-founder of Guerrilla Games is very pleased to be able to stay in Amsterdam because he has been trying to expand his studio for several years. It was not until a huge building was renovated (work is in progress) to rebadure the employees who will remain faithful to this city dear in their hearts.

But why need so much of space? Well, Guerrilla Games recruits . He has already hired nine people last month, and he still wants to continue, until reaching a team of 400 developers is almost double the current workforce. Hermen Hulst recalls that he worked on Horizon: Zero Dawn for more than six years, but he now wants to be able to release the games every two or three years whether it be from or new licenses. There is no doubt that a sequel to the adventures of Aloy (the first opus has been sold to nearly 8 million copies), perhaps to a new Killzone even if Guerrilla Games was not hot last year, and therefore to some surprises

 copy editor clint008 Amaury M. (Clint008)
Copywriter PC – Tester
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