Hail. 2,000 hectares of vines affected in Bordeaux


Already affected by hail last May, the Bordeaux vineyard suffered a new episode on Sunday, July 15th. Nearly 2 000 hectares were affected.

Around 2000 ha of vines were again affected by hail on Sunday July 15th in the Bordeaux vineyards, which had already undergone a similar episode affecting 7000 hectares in May Did you hear this Monday from the CIVB.

"According to the first badessments, the most affected areas are in the south-Gironde, Langon, Sauternes and Graves, and the southern Médoc and Côtes de Bourg already affected by hail last May " told Christophe Christophe Christophe, director of communication of the Interprofessional Council of Bordeaux wine (CIVB). But if 3,400 hectares had been destroyed at 80% in May, the damage would be less severe this time despite hailstones that have sometimes the size of a golf ball. Some properties have been seriously affected, however, and the CIVB is expected to release more accurate figures on Tuesday. Bordeaux was also the victim of the late freeze in 2017, which reduced the harvest by 39% in volume compared to the previous year.

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