Half-hearings for the Tour de France 2018


Froome effect or World Cup effect? The Tour de France 2018, won this Sunday by Geraint Thomas, has gathered fewer viewers than the 2017 edition according to figures released Monday by France Televisions, although France 2 and France 3 have still regularly placed at the top of

More than 33 million cumulative viewers watched the 21 stages of the Tour, which France Télévisions proposed for the second consecutive year to follow in full, between July 7 and 29. Last year, the event had raised 37 million from July 1 to 23.

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An overall decline on all stages

On France 2, the Great Loop has gathered on average 3.3 million viewers, or 35.2% of audience share, a high level but down compared to 2017 (3.8 million viewers and 38.4% of DDA). On France 3, it was on average 2.1 million viewers gathered before each stage, or 19.7% of the PDA, also down compared to the 2017 edition (2.3 million viewers and 21.3% of pda). The digital offer Francetv Sport has recorded 8.5 million visits and 41 million videos have been viewed.

The final stage of Sunday was followed on France 2 by 3.4 million viewers (30 , 8% of pda) with a peak to 5.6 million viewers. This is less than last year, when the arrival on the Champs-Elysées attracted more than 4.6 million viewers on average.

On the whole Tour, the mountain stages have achieved a better audience share in 2017 (37.5% on both channels), France 2 and France 3 placing at the head of hearings on all direct at these stages, the group stresses. The French stage victories also attracted viewers, like that of Julian Alaphilippe who crossed the finish line in front of more than 5.1 million viewers on France 2 on July 24.

A suspense problem? [19659005InaninterviewwiththeParisianTourdeFrancedirectorChristianPrudhommesingledoutthesupremacyoftheSkyteam"It'sourdutytomakethebattleheave"hesaidFortheteamsonlythevictoryisprettyForusnoWewanttofightmoresuspense

Earlier in the day, the President of the International Cycling Union (UCI) David Lappartient declared on FranceInfo that a "working group on the attractiveness of professional races" will be created.

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In particular, the idea of ​​setting a salary cap, to limit the "stranglehold" of Sky who "padlocked" the race according to Lappartient. "I always said that it seemed like a good solution. We are working on this for an introduction as soon as possible, perhaps with the reform of professional cycling in 2020. The aim is to ensure that the best riders are divided into different teams, and that we have a race that be more attractive. Limiting the overall budget would mean better runners and a more attractive race. " "I do not know if it's THE solution," added Prudhomme. But it is certain that Sky will really look for the best everywhere. "

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