Halloween night: a hundred arrests after the urban violence


The Halloween party was hectic. Throughout France, the police and rescue services have found several fires and were the target of projectile throwing in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner Wednesday asked the prefects "increased mobilization" after the broadcast on social networks messages calling for a "purge" of police during this evening.

Thursday morning, the minister announced that a "hundred people" was arrested thanks to the anticipated mobilization of "15 000 members of the police and security forces". For the time being, the incidents that we have identified below have resulted in 126 arrests.

In 2016 and 2017, already, the night of Halloween had been marked by incidents. According to the minister, the facts are less serious than those of last year.

READ ALSO>Halloween violence: tensions become habitual

A bottle of acid against police in Essonne. Around 7 pm, a grocery store in the town of Montgeron was looted by three masked youths. In prosecuting the perpetrators, the police were targeted by a bottle of acid but were not touched. Two agents were slightly intoxicated by the fumes of the product. A 13-year-old minor was arrested.

At the same time, in Vigneux-sur-Seine, other police were targeted by stone throwing. There are no casualties. A police van was sprinkled with gasoline in the town of Corbeil-Essonnes. In Mbady, ​​a vehicle was almost stolen, while fireworks were heard in Etampes. Degradations have also been noted in Saint-Michel-sur-Orge.

36 people in custody in the Val-de-Marne. One of those arrested, an 18-year-old man, admitted to having answered the call for "purge" launched on social networks. He threw projectiles at a police car in Créteil. In total, 24 garbage cans and 12 vehicles were burned in the department.

Trams cut and 50 arrests in Seine-Saint-Denis. The T5 (Saint-Denis-Garges-les-Gonesse) and T8 (Epinay-Les Beatus) tram lines were cut off at 8:30 pm for the first, at midnight for the second, as a result of the violence in the city of Saint-Denis. A dozen car fires and a dozen garbage fires were noted. The police also arrested about 50 people, including three minors.

The call for "purge" also followed in the Yvelines. Of the twenty arrests made by the police, eight seem related to the famous call transmitted via social networks. Several young people wore an "Anonymous" mask and wandered armed in the cities of Maurepas, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Sartrouville, Velizy-Villacoublay, or Les Mureaux. Some of them are minors. In total, about 75 incidents of urban violence were recorded in the department, including 15 vehicle fires and 22 projectile fires. At Viroflay Rive Gauche station, a small homemade bomb caused an explosion.

Clashes in the Lyon area. Twelve people were arrested Wednesday evening in the Rhône, most in Lyon, after "jostling" and throwing projectiles on the window of a florist near Place Bellecour. Garbage fires were also fired in the Lyon area, in Grigny, Givors and Villefranche-sur-Saône. Rhone firefighters reported carrying out 24 interventions, mainly for garbage or car fires.

In Rennes too, garbage fires. The police were mobilized for 29 garbage fires in the Blosne district, at the Kennedy pavement in Villejean and in the commune of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande, reports Ouest-France. Fifteen cars were burned. Two people were arrested, including a 15-year-old boy who was injured by a bullet thrower. He was injured while he was coiling the police.

Cars burned in Nantes. According to the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique, quoted by France Bleu Loire Ocean, three cars were burned in the district Port-Boyer. Eight garbage cans were burned in the district of Dervallières and Breil. Three minors were arrested as a result of the violence. Presse Océan adds that buses in La Chapelle-sur-Erdre, Grandchamp-des-Fontaines and La Montagne have been targets for throwing stones and eggs. Firecrackers were thrown at a gendarmerie car in Carquefou.

Degraded bus stops in Metz. In the Metz-Borny district, three bus stops were degraded. A bus was targeted by projectiles, including eggs. In the communes of Yutz, Thionville and Farébersviller, fireworks have also been fired, reports France Bleu Lorraine Nord.

In Toulouse, 17 garbage fires and 10 car fires. In Haute-Garonne, a "slight increase in interventions" was observed compared to the Halloween night of 2017. Municipalities of the Toulouse agglomeration (Muret, Saint-Lys, Léguevin, Saint-Jory, Saint-Jean, Aussonne ), have also been affected, says the site news Toulouse.

Five cars burned in Poitiers. The neighborhood of Bel-Air experienced violence that night. Five cars were burned, including four belonging to the Municipal Center for Social Action (CCAS). The mayor of the city, Alain Claeys, has already expressed his "anger" following these events, tells the New Republic.

Five cars burned, two damaged that night between midnight and 1 am Rue Rolland Garros and Gerhard Hansen in the Bel-Air district in #Poitiers including three cars from #CCAS@poitiersfr destroyed. Residents confide their tiredness of destruction pic.twitter.com/2WBQOM5PGM

– factsdivers86 (@NRCP_POITIERS) November 1, 2018

Fires and projectile throws in Isère. More than 70 bumper and car fires were reported near the Villeneuve and Mistral districts in Grenoble, as well as in the towns of Echirolles, Pont-de-Claix and Vienne, according to the local station Radio Isa. The rescue services were also shot.

Violence in groups at Joué-les-Tours (Indre-et-Loire).France 3 Center-Val de Loire reports that four groups of about fifteen people have attacked the police and, to a lesser extent, the fire brigade, in the suburbs of Tours. Eight cars were burned, bus shelters were ransacked. Again, garbage fires had to be extinguished.

Fires and clashes with the police in Reunion. In Saint-André, Sainte-Suzanne, Saint-Denis, the Port or Saint-Pierre, the night was also long for the Reunion relief, reports Reunion 1st. A policeman was injured in the hip during clashes in Saint-André. In the district of Chaudron in Saint-Denis, more than fifty police officers were mobilized to manage fires, under a rain of projectiles.

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