Hamilton revenge on the lands of Vettel


A victory to repair the outrage: Lewis Hamilton, who has just extended at Mercedes, must absolutely win Sunday the German Grand Prix, on the lands of his rival Sebastian Vettel … which prevailed at home to Silverstone

The British signed a new contract on Thursday that binds him for two more seasons with his stable, until the end of 2020. He should touch more than 45 million euros a year.

«The pbadion of the competition that burns in me is shared by all members of this group " said the 33-year-old driver, winner of three world titles and 44 GP since he joined in 2013 the star brand , from McLaren.

Not the right to the error

Vexed to have been beaten in front of his fans, 15 days ago, Hamilton has no right to 'error at Hockenheim, where he also has very good memories.

Ahead of eight points in the ranking g The title holder recalls that last season, after ten races, the German had one more than him.

Vettel leads four victories for three in 2018 at the moment. Although he was born about 40 kilometers from the Baden-Württemberg circuit, he never made it, unlike Hamilton, winner in 2008 and 2016.

The shock between the two quadruple world champions is highly anticipated , especially by the organizers who hope to see the public come back in numbers after several difficult editions at the level of affluence.

More British than German

The German test returns to the calendar after have been absent in 2017 and should disappear again next year

A third zone of DRS has been added to facilitate overtaking, as it is gradually becoming the norm this season.

Red Bulls 'Aust Daniel Ricciardo and Max Verstappen of the Netherlands should make a figuration in the battle for victory, given the characteristics of the route.

"Going to Hockenheim is always like going home. only 90 minutes by car from the Daimler headquarters in Stuttgart " points out Toto Wolff, the Austrian boss of Mercedes. A German team but with a more British than German structure, in its bases of Brackley (chbadis) and Brixworth (engines).

Ferrari back in the foreground

After three years of virtual monopoly – Absolute between 2014 and 2016, at the beginning of the hybrid V6 era, Mercedes finally seems to have made the idea that the Scuderia has once again become a formidable candidate for titles, thanks in particular to an engine that has become almost as powerful.

The "back to back to back" that saw the F1 circus perform three consecutive weekends in France, Austria and the UK, did not really smile, which translates into a delay of twenty units in the Manufacturers' standings

"A Glimmer of Hope"

"We did not score as many points as we hoped for in these three successive races, largely because of our own mistakes, says Wolff. However, there is a ray of hope since we had the fastest car. "

There is still no fire in the Brackley stable . Its leaders consider they still have the upper hand with respect to the development of the car during the season.

Their proverbial reliability is also an badet that they see as decisive when the time comes. But this postulate only holds if the misadventure experienced in Austria three weeks ago (double abandonment) is not repeated.

And above all, it badumes that Ferrari will not be able to quickly produce a new aerodynamic update and mechanics as effective as the one revealed in the United Kingdom by the mark to the star.

The rain in qualifying?

The qualifications, which are likely to take place in the rain Saturday, will be once again crucial. Since 1987, only three successes have been achieved at Hockenheim by a driver who had not been on the front line.

Ferrari was close to clinching pole position at Silverstone, a sign of its immense progress on predilection of Mercedes.

Before approaching Hungary next week, supposedly in favor of the Italian team, Hamilton knows what remains to be done.

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