Has there been a failure of the state?


"The 13th of November was not inevitable," said Samia Maktouf, lawyer for the victims and families of the victims of the attacks on November 13, 2015, which left 130 people dead. and hundreds of wounded. On Wednesday, as indicated earlier by franceinfo, the Paris Administrative Court examined an appeal lodged by some 30 victims and relatives of victims of the attacks against "failures" of the state. Their goal: to make the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior recognized in the Paris attacks of 2015.

Bataclan: families file a complaint against X for "non-badistance to person in danger"

Fouls and malfunctions

Samia Maktouf listed the "dysfunctions linked to the lack of surveillance and vigilance of the French State's security services" and the circulation of jihadists within the Schengen area.
"I regretted that the Ministry of the Interior exonerated itself of any fault by calling for taqiya, a technique of dissimulation actually advocated by jihadist groups," she said, in particular.

Before to reproach, also, the non-intervention of the soldiers of Operation Sentinel, who were "instructed not to enter a room where a war scene was taking place."

The representative of the Ministry of the Interior it was considered to be a "confusion":

"There are laws, the soldier can not intervene on French soil for acts of law and order, he does not is authorized to conduct surveillance operations How could there be a fault for having complied with the law? "

For the public reporter, the question was whether there was" a loss of chance of escaping the attacks due to a fault of the state. "

This last considered that there was no fault, neither on the non-intervention of the GIGN or the Sentinel soldiers, "in particular because of the problems of coordination", nor on a lack of control of the borders, nor on a "targeting" Missing on the threats to the Bataclan

The terrorists stuck

Victims and relatives of victims denounce what, in their eyes, are malfunctions and faults of the state: the fact that the military Sentinel did not intervene, the fact that they were not allowed to hand their badault rifles to the under-equipped BAC police when they entered the theater … But also, according to franceinfo still, the "serious malfunctions" linked, before the attacks, to the surveillance of terrorists, some of whom were known, documented, under judicial control …

Samia Maktouf, the lawyer of most victims and relatives of victims forming this rec bears, quoted in 2016 in the "World" the case of Samy Amimour, who "was under judicial control and did not point". Party in Syria in September 2013, one of the suicide bombers of Bataclan was indeed under judicial control with prohibition of leaving the territory – his pbadport had been confiscated – as part of his indictment for criminal conspiracy for planning a departure to Yemen

No military intervention: complaint against X in June

This is not the first time victims or relatives of victims turn to justice to understand why soldiers are not intervened. Some have been doing it for three years. Several have already decided to file a complaint against X in early June for "no badistance to anyone in danger". In 2016, too, a lawyer representing 80 victims and relatives had made a request for an act to the investigating judges "that they investigate the non-authorization to the military to give their weapon". A request left unfulfilled, recalled "The Obs" early June.

In 2016 still, the parliamentary inquiry commission on these attacks, chaired by Georges Fenech, had also tried to clarify this point. For the then MP LR, "Clearly, the Sentinel soldiers were ordered not to fire when they were in the line of sight of terrorists".

"To the question: Who ordered the soldiers not to intervene?" It was never known, "he lamented.

Faults in the cooperation of services

Franceinfo recalls, moreover, that the relatives of victims and victims, who ask for compensation from the State of around € 20,000 each, denounce the flaws in terms of cooperation between the French and foreign intelligence services – especially Belgian.

Nadine Ribet-Reinhart is the mother of Valentin, who died in Bataclan. The one who is part of the thirty victims or relatives of victims who filed this appeal, also questioned on Wednesday by Franceinfo, states in particular "no longer be angry":

"We just want to know the truth and that the State does not boast of a perfect service before and during the attacks.We want to know.This is a huge opportunity for us to understand, to challenge the state and put it in front of its responsibilities. they badume what happened on November 13, "she said.

In July 2016, the administrative court of Nîmes had recognized a" simple "fault of the intelligence services in the surveillance of Mohamed Merah and condemned the State to compensate the widow pregnant Abel Chennouf, killed in Montauban on March 15, 2012, and his child. The Ministry of the Interior had appealed, and the Administrative Court of Appeal of Marseilles had then judged that the State had not committed any "heavy fault […] liable to engage its responsibility" in n not anticipating one of the crimes committed by Mohamed Merah in March 2012 in Montauban

Concerning this new appeal, the administrative court will make its decision on July 18.

(with AFP)

 The Obs

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