He has been waiting for his license for six months, the State condemned to compensate him


A Parisian retiree who had been waiting for his new driving license for six months has just sentenced the State to a fine of € 1,000 and an additional € 50 per day of delay, until the document is issued. Interrupted drunk driving in June 2017, the man had his license confiscated for six months. Since December, the plaintiff had been trying to figure out where he was going.

A septuagenarian has been successful in getting the state convicted of delaying the issuance of his new driver's license. This Paris resident has won his case in the administrative court, having spent six months waiting for the precious sesame, reports Le Parisien Tuesday, July 3.

Controlled intoxicated in June 2017 , the retired Parisian is suspended his license for a period of six months, until December 25. At the end of the suspension, he returns all the necessary paperwork to obtain his new license, the old one not having the smart format in force today.

"I am told that we do not can do nothing for me "

Without news, the man raises the administration several times by registered mail or goes to prefecture – in vain. In February, he is finally told that his driver's license is at the national printing press and he is given a pbadword to follow the progress of the procedure. A wrong pbadword, which does not work

In the spring, the National Agency for Security Titles (ANTS) explains that it does not appear in the database. Then he learns that his license appears in lost trace postal. "I do not understand what it means, I go to the prefecture and I am told that nothing can be done for me" says the pensioner. "I ran into a wall from the beginning.

A legal first

The septuagenarian finally contacts an attorney specializing in automobile law and initiates an emergency procedure before the administrative court. The ANTS has just been sentenced to € 1,000 in compensation for the six months without a license. The agency will have to provide him with his driving license as soon as possible, with 50 € per day of delay until the delivery of the paper.

"This is the first time that the ministry is condemned to 1000 € of compensation with a 50 € fine per day of delay explains the lawyer. This is normal, because it put my client in contraventional situation in case of control by car when it should have been able to drive since December. "

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