"He remained simple, humble, and it is he who makes us proud"


According to the mayor of Jeumont, where the young world football champion is from, Benjamin Pavard can help change the image of the region.

As the city of Jeumont (North) gets ready, Wednesday July 18, to welcome Benjamin Pavard, native of the town, the socialist mayor Benjamin Saint-Oil, said, on franceinfo, his pride to count, among its administrés, the recent world champion of football: "It comes back that he can, in a career of football it's complicated, but he always made sure to stop, to say a word, to say hello to the people who cross him, to greet the children who come to his encounter, in short, he remained simple, humble, and it is he who makes us proud. "

The elected believes that the young footballer of 22 years can contribute to change the image of the region: "We make sure to restore a kind of pride, explains the city. We live a territory that is poorly known, which is sometimes a little caricatured, and allow this territory of the Val de Sambre, and Jeumont in particular, to be able, in a way, to raise the head, and to say how much, at home as elsewhere we are able to build the destinies of world champions, it is also to demonstrate that there is quality everywhere in France, and that this united France allows us, together, to succeed. "

" His parents live here in Jeumont, and he remained very faithful to his roots, continues Benjamin Pavard. This is, I would say, a part of Benjamin Pavard's sympathy, which makes northerners very happy to have a world champion in Jeumont. "

He stayed the same, attached to the place where he grew up, the people who met him, who built him in his sporting career, at the beginning of his evolution Benjamin Saint-Huile to franceinfo

Benjamin Pavard will be first welcomed in the town hall, in the early afternoon, where will be held a ceremony during which he will receive the medal of the city, then he will meet the people of Jeumont and the surrounding area, at 15:45, at the digital station, where were broadcast all the matches of the competition, and where, according to the mayor,

"One expects a large affluence, badures Benjamin Saint-Oil. We will also allow neighbors and friends to be present. We do not necessarily have to be Jeumontois to be a supporter of Benjamin Pavard. Indeed, we expect a lot of people: Jeumont, it is 10.000 souls who live on this territory, but, more widely, it is the territory of the Val de Sambre, around Maubeuge, which has communicated with Benjamin Pavard throughout the competition and who is very happy to meet him today to celebrate with him this title of world champion. "

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