Hens stacked in cages: the shock video of L214 in Essonne, at the first producer of French eggs – 19/10/2018




A new video shot by the badociation L214 denounces the treatment inflicted on hens by the group Avril, the leading French producer of eggs. She was turned into an intensive breeding in Essonne.

The badociation L214 strikes again and takes this time to the group Avril, first producer of French eggs, which owns the brand Matines. In a video, the animal welfare badociation denounces the conditions of hens raised in cages in a farm near Forges-les-Bains, Essonne. Deprived of natural sunlight, 150,000 hens are crammed into cages and remain there for over a year, before being sent to the slaughterhouse. Those who do not survive living conditions decompose on the spot and are the object of acts of cannibalism.

April, bad student

Through this video, L214 is trying to put pressure on the Avril group to stop raising chickens in cages. In France, he is the last big producer of the French industry not to have undertaken to stop using eggs of hens raised in cages. For the time being, he has just announced that his brand Matines will stop distributing chicken eggs in cages by 2025. But Matines is not the only brand owned by Avril.

Through the company Ovoteam, Avril markets 900 million eggs for industry or catering. These eggs are packaged in liquid form in cans or in powder form and are found in foods such as biscuits but also school canteens, retirement homes and corporate restaurants.

The badociation L214 pinned a few days ago an Aveyronnais poultry farm in which live chicks were found in garbage bags inside rendering bins.

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