here is the list of exclusive Pokémon


 Pokémon Let's Go: here is the list of Pokémon exclusive to each version

Since the release of the very first Pokémon game in 1996, Game Freak has always offered two variations of its game, with of course pocket monsters exclusive to each version to promote exchanges between players. Since that time, the tradition persists, and if the advent of online severely limited the interactions between the aficionados of the game (no need to end up with its GameBoy and its Link cable) the different versions are always at the heart of the marketing strategy for Pokémon Let's Go. Proposed in two versions, Pikachu or Évoli, the game will ask players to choose between different critters that will be available on one version and not on the other. In order to help you make your choice, here is the list of exclusive Pokémon for each version of the game.

Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu: Mystery, Ortide, Rafflesia, Sabelette, Sablaireau, Caninos and Arcanin

Pokémon Let's Go Evoli: Chétiflor, Empiflor, Boustiflor, Vulpix, Feunard, Meowth and Persian

If fans of the Team Rocket will jump on the Evoli version so as not to miss Meowth, we will personally opt for the Pikachu edition, because it is the latter that offers the most stylish mount of the game, namely Arcanin. Let's remember that Pokémon Let's Go will be released in version Évoli and Pikachu on November 16th on Switch.



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