High school: Puy-l'Évêque high school students are no longer welcome! – 03/07/2018


 Parents and children are determined to make their case./ Photo DDM MR

Parents and children are determined to make their case./ Photo DDM MR

Yesterday morning, about fifty people, adults and teenagers, came to express their discontent by "occupying" the school of Fumel.

The reason for their anger is simple. Until today, a derogation systematically renewed, allowed the students of 3rd of the college of Puy-l'Evêque, in the Lot, academy of Toulouse, to enroll in 2nd in the high school of Fumel, in the Lot -et -Garonne, Academy of Bordeaux

What was the stupor of the students and their parents discovering that it would not be possible this year! The college students in question had to enroll in the high school of their sector: the high school of Cahors!

Mathis explained: "I want to enter the 2nd high school Fumel. This establishment is 20 minutes from my home, while the high school of Cahors is about an hour. I do not want to be internal so it would mean 2 hours of daily commute and I do not want to get up every morning at 5 am to come back at 7 pm! In addition, like many of my comrades, all my sports and cultural activities take place on Fumel. "

A parent reported:" We are told to put our children in the boarding school of Cahors high school, but there is a small problem: the structure has no more space available! The journey by the SNCF bus takes 1:20 and then the students must go from the station to the school on foot! "

Lionel Kacemi, spokesman for parents, added:" This new deal would also impact heavily the parents' lives and would result in additional burdens, complications in each person's schedules and fewer moments shared with our children. This is a crucial issue, because for the students, it would mean extra fatigue and therefore poor working conditions. Everyone loses there. This is unacceptable. "

Parents and students, highly motivated, demand the arrival of a representative of the Academy to be able to explain the problem and finally arrive at a solution. It must be said that time is running out because the registration period for the next academic year has already started.

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