If Days Gone is rejected, it is also (mostly) because of Anthem and Metro: Exodus


A date too busy

At E3 last June, when developers presented their games and announced the official release dates, some had to take a slight heat stroke. At the end of the show, three AAA games and Crackdown 3 were scheduled for the same date, 22 February 2019. In addition to Days Gonewe found Anthem, big production signed Bioware, the highly anticipated Metro: Exodus. All the journalists present on the spot affirmed it: it was necessary that some ones sacrifice themselves. And it is the exclusive PS4 that was the first to make this necessary effort.

Days Gone will finally be released on April 26, 2019. On the PlayStation Blog, Sony has tried to explain this new delay:

" We decided to move the Days Gone release from the busy February period to April 26, 2019. Although the studio is in a hurry to see the game in the hands of fans, Bend Studio will take this opportunity to further refine Days Gone. "

The answer is simple: Sony did not want to place one of its big releases of the beginning of the year in competition with other AAA games (and Crackdown 3). As a reminder, Days Gone was presented for the first time during E3 2016. While it was expected to see it out the next year, the Japanese publisher had badured that the game would be available "in 2018". But last March, we finally learned that exclusivity would not come out before 2019. February 22. Now it's April 26th. In short, we should be able to play the title developed by SIE Bend Studio (Uncharted: Golden Abyss) next year. Normally.

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