"If you catch fire, do like Neymar" … The teasing Dublin Fire Council for Halloween


Neymar, in his preferential position – SAEED KHAN / AFP

"Stop, lie down and roll. If you find yourself in a position where your suit or clothes catch fire, do like Neymar. This masterful trolling was tweeted on Tuesday by the police as they approach
Halloween and widely relayed in the evening of Wednesday. We are close to the genius. Especially since the gif that accompanies the message is tasty.

STOP, DROP & ROLL. If you find yourself in a position where your suit, or clothes, catch fire do the #Neymar. Running will only fan the flames and help the fire spread. STOPPING, DROPPING & ROLLING will smother the flames. pic.twitter.com/SjgdPOT3Pe

– Dublin Fire Brigade (@DubFireBrigade) October 30, 2018

Neymar is once again the expense of its 2018 World Cup, marked by its many cries, falls and roulades – sometimes justified, it must be admitted. And the rehabilitation campaign carried out after the Russian World Cup has still not done away with its reputation as a fan of floor-to-ball shots. Not in Ireland, at least.

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